I have an OpenBSD 5.6 box that I'm using as a router and firewall for my
local LAN, using both ipv4 and ipv6.  Things are mostly working, but I'm
seeing some possibly broken/annoying behavior from rtadvd.  First some
background information:

My box has 2 ethernet interfaces: em0 is the external connection, and em1
is the local LAN.  Comcast provides ipv6 router advertisements and uses
dhcpv6 to provide a /128 address (used by em0) and a /64 prefix delegation
used by my local LAN.  I'm using wide-dhcpv6 to assign addresses to my em0
and em1 and this all works fine.

I have the issue that if net.inet6.ip6.forwarding=1, the kernel is not able
to automatically configure the default ipv6 route based on router
advertisements, even with the new "inet6 autoconf" parameter (

To work around this, I temporarily ran rtsold, figured out the ipv6 address
of Comcast's router, and added it to /etc/mygate.  This works fine, and I
am no longer running rtsold.

Now I run "rtadvd em1" to send router advertisements to the local LAN.  I
have no /etc/rtadvd.conf file, so I am using the default configuration.
This again works fine, and hosts on my local LAN automatically get an ipv6
address and route (yay!).

But all is not quite perfect.  If I look at /var/log/daemon, I see lots and
lots of messages from rtadvd like this:

Dec 31 12:44:21 server rtadvd[28960]: received RA from
fe80::224:14ff:fe63:cae2 on non-advertising interface(em0)
Dec 31 12:44:54 server last message repeated 11 times
Dec 31 12:46:56 server last message repeated 40 times
Dec 31 12:51:32 server last message repeated 90 times

This is saying rtadvd received a router advertisement from Comcast's router
(fe80::224:14ff:fe63:cae2).  Comcast's router apparently sends on of these
every 3 seconds - this is the rate at which syslog is filling with these

I can disable logging for rtadvd in syslog.conf, but this is annoying.
There are potentially many others like me with Comcast or other ipv6
connections that want to run rtadvd on the internal interface and will
receive router advertisements on the external interface.

* Why is rtadvd logging router advertisements on em0 when I am specifying
em1 as the only interface it should be using?  Wouldn't it be better to
just silently ignore router advertisements from non-configured interfaces?
* What will happen when/if we can have net.inet6.ip6.forwarding=1 and
"inet6 autoconf" for my external interface?  Will rtadvd still receive
router advertisements for the external interface and complain about them?

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