On Thu, 01 Jan 2015 09:37:24 -0700
Theo de Raadt <dera...@cvs.openbsd.org> wrote:

> And who are you, and what you have you done to test and then prove
> your thesis?
> Absolutely nothing, I must assume.

Your assumption is wrong. I am working with my colleagues from 2f30 on
the "morpheus"-project[0] (including package-manager) and we have a set
of static binary-packages[1] already ready for use.
> (BTW, your argument is weak and would be stronger if you tied it into
> the faked moonlandings).

I know you as a rude person and like your humour, but your response
contains no argument against the points I have given.
I'm not saying that in an arrogant way (maybe I'm getting this whole deal
completely wrong) and wanted to give some food for thought for the future.

The OpenBSD-security-focus paid off. It wasn't the fastest system 10 years
ago and isn't today, but when it made a difference in the past, security is
more important today than speed, given how rapidly hardware is developing.

I see the same issue here: How long do we really want to waste our time on
this cruft and develop libraries with the wrong concept in our heads when
dynamic linking is apparently becoming more and more irrelevant?



[0]: http://morpheus.2f30.org/
[1]: http://morpheus.2f30.org/0.0/packages/x86_64/

FRIGN <d...@frign.de>

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