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On Dec 9 Will H. Backman contributed the following:

If you want to do it properly, use fdisk -e wd1, disklabel -E wd1, and
newfs /dev/rwd1a, in that order.


Which is the short version of the New Disk FAQ:

Thanks to Will & Joachim. Apologizes for not replying to
message sooner. Tried using fdisk, disklabel and newfs first.
Everything fine on the disk, but problem still there. Next,
shutdown & disconnected wd1 cable & power, removed it from
fstab & exports & rebooted, just sharing exports on wd0, &
tried copying files from xp box. No help, still rebooted.
Pulled the old nic, Intel 82557, & tried a 3com905c. This
time, it didn't reboot when I did the file copy, with quite
large files, so I thought I had the problem solved. Connected
wd1 & reset the nfs shares , did a large file copy & rebooted.
So, I restored the following tweaks to sysctl.conf:

net.inet.tcp.keepinittime=600   # root setting tunables for nfs reboot problem
net.inet.tcp.keepidle=28800     # root setting tunables for nfs reboot problem
net.inet.tcp.keepintvl=600      # root setting tunables for nfs reboot problem
net.inet.tcp.recvspace=65536    # root setting tunables for nfs reboot problem
net.inet.tcp.sendspace=32768    # root setting tunables for nfs reboot problem
net.inet.udp.recvspace=83200    # root setting tunables for nfs reboot problem
net.bpf.bufsize=65536           # root setting tunables for nfs reboot problem

So far, haven't rebooted again, copying large files. Here's
wd1 info from fstab so everyone knows I wasn't lazy & really
did the initial disk work to repair my first "newbie" job on it:

/dev/wd1a on /data2 type ffs (local, nodev, nosuid)

Thanks again for the help. If anyone sees something I've bunged
up, please let me know, if you have the time.

Denny White

Please do not CC me. Already subscribed to OBSD mailing list.

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