Steve Shockley wrote:

> I've installed Symon/Symux/Syweb on a 5.6 machine for testing. 
> Symon+Symux are up and running.  I installed apache-httpd-openbsd (at 
> least until I'm familiar with httpd), set up the virtual host, and I ran
> the chroot enable script from rrdtool.
> When I view configtest.php, I get the error:
> apache or php setup faulty: cannot execute /usr/local/bin/rrdtool
> For testing, I temporarily copied /bin/sh to /var/www/bin/sh, and it 
> started working.  Removing it breaks it again.
> Should I need to copy sh to the chroot, or am I doing something else
> wrong?
> Thanks.

I had the same question two months ago. To quote Antoine 

That's not enough.
As documented in the rrdtool pkg-readme, you must do:
/usr/local/share/examples/rrdtool/rrdtool-chroot enable

You should look under /usr/local/share/doc/pkg-readmes/, it comes with a
*lot* of OpenBSD specific information..

It worked perfectly for me. Please check out whole thread


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