> From owner-misc+m146...@openbsd.org  Sat Feb 14 04:44:09 2015
> Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2015 23:28:21 -0500
> Subject: root partition full; /dev taking up all the space?
> From: Jason Hunt <jh...@lynden.on.ca>
> To: misc@openbsd.org
> List-ID: <misc.openbsd.org>
> In the midst of setting up my laptop (fresh install of 5.6), I found I was
> out of space on root::
> # df -h
> Filesystem     Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
> /dev/sd1a     1005M   1004M  -49.2M   105%    /
> /dev/sd1k     49.2G    1.4G   45.3G     3%    /home
> /dev/sd1d      3.9G    138K    3.7G     0%    /tmp
> /dev/sd1f      2.0G    917M    995M    48%    /usr
> /dev/sd1g     1005M    191M    764M    20%    /usr/X11R6
> /dev/sd1h      9.8G   1015M    8.4G    11%    /usr/local
> /dev/sd1j      2.0G    2.0K    1.9G     0%    /usr/obj
> /dev/sd1i      2.0G    2.0K    1.9G     0%    /usr/src
> /dev/sd1e     11.2G    9.2M   10.6G     0%    /var
> The culprit: looks to be /dev:
> # du -sh /dev
> 938M    /dev

That's way too much.

$ du -sh /dev
34.0K   /dev

My guess is you typoed a dd command and ended up creating some huge file
in there.

ls -l /dev | grep '^[^cb]' will show you the non-devices. There's a
few non-devices that are supposed to be there, but my guess is that
you'll see the culprit quickly.

-- Martin

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