On 02/22/15 16:24, Henrique Lengler wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 22, 2015 at 02:57:18PM -0600, Edgar Pettijohn wrote:
>> Are you following this?
>> http://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq5.html#Xbld
> Yes I am, and this is my second attempt.

Start at the very very very top of the page
You can skip the Table of Contents, but just about every word from that
point down is critical and must be respected and followed.  Don't say "I
followed instructions", you won't find your problem when you start by
denying what the problem most likely is.  Start with "I'm not sure what
I did wrong", retrace your steps from the instructions, and you will
probably find the problem.

Almost always your problem is caused by a step you thought you
understood and glossed over or an assumption you made that the
developers don't.  You can't do that.  Especially when building -stable,
it Just Works when you PROPERLY build it from the same release.

Common causes for failure:
* starting from the wrong point (5.3.2 i.e., building 5.6 from 5.5)
* Getting the wrong source code (5.3.3 i.e., -current instead of -stable)
* Using wrong CVS options (the -P and -d options are not options!)


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