On Thu, 26 Feb 2015 14:53:28 -0800
Philip Guenther <guent...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Feb 26, 2015 at 2:40 PM, Edgar Pettijohn
> <ed...@pettijohn-web.com> wrote:
> > pass in log on $ext_if proto udp from any to any port 5060 no state
> >
> > I didn't see anywhere in pf.conf(5) that shows "no state" as an option.
> Hmm?  It's *first* mention is on line 139 of the manpage:
>      pass  The packet is passed; state is created unless the no state option
>            is specified.
> and it can be reached in the syntax via the filteropt non-terminal:
>      filteropt      =
> ...
>                       ( "no" | "keep" | "modulate" | "synproxy" ) "state"
> Philip Guenther

Yep there she is. I had skipped down to "Stateful Filtering" and didn't see it. 
 Perhaps under "Options" the set timeout interval may be useful.
Edgar Pettijohn <ed...@pettijohn-web.com>

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