In message <>
(dated 2014-05-30), tedu@ wrote:
> If you are using encrypted vnd (vnconfig -k or -K) you will want to
> begin planning your migration strategy.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "Ted Unangst" <>
> Date: Fri 2014/05/30 10:14 -06:00
> Subject: CVS: src
> To:
> CVSROOT:        /cvs
> Module name:    src
> Changes by:    2014/05/30 10:14:19
> Modified files:
>         sbin/mount_vnd : mount_vnd.c
> Log message:
> WARNING: Encrypted vnd is insecure.
> Migrate your data to softraid before 5.7.

In message <>
(dated 2014-11-24), deraadt@ wrote:
> That deprecation is not going to happen.  Keep using what you are
> using now.

I grok that (the current implementation of) vnd crypto is weak.  What's
the current migration/fixing/transition plan for this?  (I can't find any
mention of "vnd" or "vnconfig" in .)


-- "Jonathan Thornburg [remove -animal to reply]" 
   Dept of Astronomy & IUCSS, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, USA
   "There was of course no way of knowing whether you were being watched
    at any given moment.  How often, or on what system, the Thought Police
    plugged in on any individual wire was guesswork.  It was even conceivable
    that they watched everybody all the time."  -- George Orwell, "1984"

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