On 3/4/15, Martin Pieuchot <mpieuc...@nolizard.org> wrote:
> On 04/03/15(Wed) 10:49, patrick keshishian wrote:
>> On 3/4/15, Martin Pieuchot <mpieuc...@nolizard.org> wrote:
>> > Hello again
>> >
>> > On 27/02/15(Fri) 11:40, patrick keshishian wrote:
>> >>
>> >> I can confirm this change alone causes no adverse, observable
>> >> change on my x120e's touchpad.
>> >
>> > Could you guys confirm that the last fix from Ulf also fixes your
>> > issue?
>> >
>> > https://marc.info/?l=openbsd-tech&m=142513927519879&w=2
>> Hi,
>> Apologies. I thought that patch was sent for comment
>> by experts (there was a lot of questions/second guesses
>> accompanying the referenced post/patch).
> Testing is always welcome!
>> Is this to be tested on its own or in conjunction with
>> sys/dev/wscons/wsmouse.c patch from this thread?
> On its own :)

This patch seems to work fine. I don't see the issue I

Thank you,

> Thanks,
> Martin

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