I was writing Deamon by name "/etc/rc.d/example-client" and all a time I
was getting error that ${daemon_user} is "client"

After looking at source code of rc.subr
saw the following:

 _name=$(basename $0)
eval _rcuser=\${${_name}_user}
[ -n "${_rcuser}" ] && daemon_user=${_rcuser}

So, if we have  a deamon by name "example-client" because of eval there
will be always $daemon_user:

-bash-4.2# eval _rcuser=\${example-client_user}
-bash-4.2# echo $_rcuser

I'm not sure if this is bug or the feature, therefore I'm posting this in
misc but if you guys confirm it is a bug I'll send it to bugs@
This of course can be really fixed really easy.


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