On Wed, Mar 18, 2015 at 07:36:43PM +0100, dam...@thiriet.web4me.fr wrote:
> Hello,
> Do R users have trouble with loading packages from CRAN repos?
> I tried several mirrors and always have an answer sounding like
> (I am translating from French):
> unable to reach repo index from http://r.meteo.uni.wroc.pl/src/contrib
> I searched misc and rseek without finding anything but searching the
> web for R troubles is quite cumbersome. Any hint?
> Thanks!
> PS: I tried both tk-interface and install.packages("maptools",
> repos="http://r.meteo.uni.wroc.pl";).
> R CMD INSTALL works so I can always upload manually, but install.packages
> uploads automatically dependencies

I just tested

  install.packages("maptools", repos = "http://r.meteo.uni.wroc.pl";) 

and it worked fine. Does

  $ ftp http://r.meteo.uni.wroc.pl/src/contrib/PACKAGES



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