Hi Misc,

Thanks to sevral kind fox I got L2PT server to work like a charm on 5.7.
I will post my configuration files in day or two as I am working on the
very tight deadline.

I am facing now another probably trivial problem.

I would like L2PT server to serve as a web gateway to one of my

Namely I have something like this

Internet ----> Firewall/L2PT/Nginx ----> insecure web using Nginx proxy 
                                   ----> insecure web2 using Nginx proxy
                                   ----> sec web3 only available to L2PT

I have problem getting web3 to be available to L2PT folks. Was trying 
to rdr the incomming traffic on vpn interfece tun0 address to
a host behind firewall on my private lan. It didn't work.

I am tried to use nginx as proxy as declaring to be the
interface and redireting to virtual host but all I get is for nginx to
push that traffic to one of the hosts web and web2 which use the same
port but different non vpn address (the same physical interface with

The only thing I have not done is using enc0 interface? Can somebody
point me in the general direction how to solve this problem.

Most Kind Regards,
Predrag Punosevac

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