On 2015-04-04, Anthony Campbell <a...@acampbell.uk> wrote:
> On 04 Apr 2015, Stuart Henderson wrote:
>> On 2015-04-03, Anthony Campbell <a...@acampbell.uk> wrote:
>> >
>> > Sorry if I wasn't clear. I didn't mean that I used a linux method; I
>> > used the "proven methods" for upgrading -current and packages - twice
>> > with different snapshots. I've just done it a third time but seamonkey
>> > still gives the same error as reported by the OP although it seems to
>> > install correctly.
>> Can you expand on "the proven methods"? 
>> What exactly are you typing? What mirror URL are you using (either    
>> set in PKG_PATH or in /etc/pkg.conf)?
> Install the latest snapshot after grabbing bsd.rd and SHA256.sig (verify with
> signify). Reboot, run upgrade. Once this is complete, run sysmerge. Then do
> "pkg_update -ui". I've done this at least half a dozen times without problems
> apart from one or two library mismatches that were solved by later upgrades.
> PKG_PATH=ftp://mirrorservice.org/pub/OpenBSD/snapshots/packages/amd64/`machine
>  -a`/

That should be fine (the case I was wondering about was if you were
trying to do a partial update).

There is sometimes a chance you might hit a mirror mid-update, but that one
looks ok at present..

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