Hi misc@

I noticed a weird bug during todays snapshot upgrade 02-Apr-2015 from
Both snapshots were obtained from piotrkosoft.net for i386.

I had to change the set location as usual during an upgrade and found a
less error:

HTTP Server? (hostname, list#, 'done' or '?') [ftp.icm.edu.pl] ?
less: unknown option "-N"
usage: less [-dfln] [+linenum | +/pattern] name1 name2 ...

when escaped to shell I see the same behaviour calling less directly:
# less -N
less: unknown option "-N"
usage: less [-dfln] [+linenum | +/pattern] name1 name2 ...

I still could pick the host by it's entry number and upgraded without

HTTP Server? (hostname, list#, 'done' or '?') [ftp.icm.edu.pl] 37
HTTP Server? (hostname, list#, 'done' or '?') [piotrkosoft.net]

After the upgrade I can see that system installed 'less' does properly
handle the -N

Did anyone else hit that weird glitch?

  Adam Wolk

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