On Thu, 9 Apr 2015, Marcus MERIGHI <mcmer-open...@tor.at> wrote:

> Sorry, no. But I can confirm failure. Are you sure "AT+GCAP" is the
> right command? I'd be interested in such a fax-capable device as well...

"+GCAP" is a standard command to ask capabilities, see for example:


And my Sony Ericsson GM29 is capable of Fax Class 1 and 2. With google
you find a description of it under "GM29 Integrators Manual". Such
descriptions of UMTS Sticks are difficult to find, this is why I asked.

Your sticks answer "+FCLASS: (0-1)" to "AT+FCLASS=?". They seem to
support class 1 fax, even if they do not answer to "+GCAP". Perhaps
one have to try to send a fax with them. But there is another problem: the
mobile telephone provider must support GSM Fax, and the sellers of 
pre paid sim cards do not know what this means. I am still trying to
find the right provider.

In any case, the question has less to do with OpenBSD, but a short
positive answer of someone that had success will perhaps not disturb too much.


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