On Fri, Apr 17, 2015 at 04:23:36PM +0200, Alessandro DE LAURENZIS wrote:
> Dear misc@ readers,
> I'm facing intermittent failures during hibernation on my Thinkpad R61.
> The relevant info in the dmesg [1] is:
> acpi0: failed to allocate hibernate memory
> This is a very recent snapshot, but I'm not able to confirm that the
> problem is new, 'cause I rarely use the suspend-to-disk feature. On the
> other hand, most of the times the hibernation (and resume) phase
> completes correctly (and I didn't find out what is triggering the
> fault).
> When it occurs, only a reboot can recover the correct behavior.

TL;DR - known issue on some machines, it's about as good as it's going to
get for a while.

Thanks for the report.

Hibernate allocates a 16MB area of memory on suspend, that will subsequently
be available to be used later, during resume. We use this area for staging
and unpacking the compressed memory image.  We have to allocate it up front
because we won't know on resume what areas are free and what areas will
end up having real data restored into them.

If you don't have 16MB contiguous memory free at time of hibernate, we abort
with the message you noted above.

As you use the machine, memory becomes more fragmented over time. There is a
chance, especially on a 2GB RAM machine, that you won't have 16MB contiguous
free anymore, and thus the hibernate request fails.

Further complicating matters is the fact that the hibernate memory area being
requested here is subject to certain alignment restrictions making the number
of places the area can be placed in memory even lower.

As we enter the hibernate sequence, we toss out just about everything we can,
to help reduce the potential for this problem. But sometimes there are pages
sprinkled around physical memory that we can't toss out that end up breaking
the contiguous ranges. I'm pretty sure that's what's happening here.

For what it's worth, we've seen this even on machines with more memory, it is
just a matter of time before it happens on any given machine.

There are a few things we could possibly do here to avoid this, like allocate
discontiguous memory, or reserve the 16MB on boot. The problem with the
former approach is that it is pretty tricky to do in the constraints of the
subsystem presently (we are running out of bookkeeping space in the 
hibernate signature block which is where we'd need to store that info). The
preallocation approach penalizes low-memory machines or machines that will
never be hibernated. Neither approach is something I've got on the short list
presently. If I had infinite time, I'd probably pursue the first approach
and increase the size of the signature block at the same time. That's not
a trivial amount of work though.

Right now, short of fixing the problem in code by using one of the approaches
outlined above or perhaps another way I'm not thinking of, your best bet is
to add more memory if you can, to postpone the problem a bit. But like I said
above, that's not a guarantee you won't see the problem again someday.

PS if anyone wanted to tackle the discontiguous allocation approach, let me
know off list and I can point you to where to get started.


> Some additional info:
> - "vmstat -m" output:
> Memory statistics by bucket size
>     Size   In Use   Free           Requests  HighWater  Couldfree
>       16    19158  38954            7614473    1280       1295
>       32     4222   7042            1189555     640      11697
>       64     3398   1082            6711838     320      24330
>      128     7986   1262            1415473     160       5106
>      256     2220   1236            1093678      80       4008
>      512     2743    241             504121      40       1193
>     1024     1772    548             235523      20      63410
>     2048      149    137              26169      10       8961
>     4096      622    238             154197       5     143961
>     8192       25     10               9331       5       5072
>    16384        5      0                160       5          0
>    32768       11      0                 39       5          0
>    65536        7      0             170701       5          0
>   131072        1      0                109       5          0
>   262144        3      0                 50       5          0
> Memory usage type by bucket size
>     Size  Type(s)
>       16  devbuf, pcb, routetbl, UFS mount, dirhash, ACPI, exec, VM swap,
>         UVM amap, UVM aobj, USB, USB device, temp, DRM
>       32  devbuf, pcb, routetbl, ifaddr, sem, dirhash, ACPI, in_multi, exec,
>         UVM amap, UVM aobj, USB, USB device, temp, AGP Memory, DRM
>       64  devbuf, routetbl, ifaddr, sysctl, vnodes, UFS mount, dirhash, ACPI,
>         proc, VFS cluster, in_multi, ether_multi, VM swap, UVM amap, UVM aobj,
>         USB, USB device, NDP, temp, DRM
>      128  devbuf, pcb, routetbl, UFS mount, sem, dirhash, ACPI, NFS srvsock,
>         in_multi, ttys, pfkey data, inodedep, UVM amap, UVM aobj, USB,
>         USB device, USB HC, temp, AGP Memory, DRM
>      256  devbuf, routetbl, ifaddr, sysctl, ioctlops, vnodes, UFS mount, shm,
>         VM map, dirhash, ACPI, MSDOSFS node, exec, UVM amap, UVM aobj, USB,
>         USB device, NDP, temp, DRM
>      512  devbuf, ifaddr, sysctl, ioctlops, iov, UFS mount, dirhash, ACPI,
>         file desc, MSDOSFS mount, ttys, newblk, UVM amap, UVM aobj, USB,
>         USB device, USB HC, temp, DRM
>     1024  devbuf, pcb, ioctlops, mount, shm, dirhash, file desc, proc, ttys,
>         exec, UVM amap, UVM aobj, crypto data, temp, DRM
>     2048  devbuf, pcb, ioctlops, UFS mount, shm, ACPI, file desc, VM swap,
>         UVM amap, UVM aobj, temp, DRM
>     4096  devbuf, ifaddr, ioctlops, UFS mount, shm, file desc, proc, UVM amap,
>         memdesc, temp, DRM
>     8192  devbuf, shm, ACPI, file, pagedep, UVM amap, USB, temp, DRM
>    16384  devbuf, NFS daemon, MSDOSFS mount, indirdep, temp, DRM
>    32768  devbuf, UFS quota, UFS mount, ISOFS mount, MSDOSFS fat, inodedep, 
>    65536  devbuf, temp
>   131072  devbuf, temp
>   262144  devbuf, VM swap
> Memory statistics by type                           Type  Kern
>           Type InUse MemUse HighUse  Limit Requests Limit Limit Size(s)
>         devbuf  4500  5282K   5384K 78644K    21255    0     0  
> 16,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048,4096,8192,16384,32768,65536,131072,262144
>            pcb   145    27K     32K 78644K     3641    0     0  
> 16,32,128,1024,2048
>       routetbl    85     7K      7K 78644K     5030    0     0  
> 16,32,64,128,256
>         ifaddr   133    18K     18K 78644K      185    0     0  
> 32,64,256,512,4096
>         sysctl     2     1K      1K 78644K       52    0     0  64,256,512
>       ioctlops     0     0K      4K 78644K    54971    0     0  
> 256,512,1024,2048,4096
>            iov     0     0K      1K 78644K        9    0     0  512
>          mount     7     7K      8K 78644K        9    0     0  1024
>         vnodes  1121    71K     73K 78644K     2424    0     0  64,256
>      UFS quota     1    32K     32K 78644K        1    0     0  32768
>      UFS mount    29    66K     66K 78644K       29    0     0  
> 16,64,128,256,512,2048,4096,32768
>            shm     7    30K     42K 78644K      240    0     0  
> 256,1024,2048,4096,8192
>         VM map     2     1K      1K 78644K        2    0     0  256
>            sem     2     1K      1K 78644K        2    0     0  32,128
>        dirhash  1065   216K    221K 78644K     1278    0     0  
> 16,32,64,128,256,512,1024
>           ACPI  5577   673K    681K 78644K   526539    0     0  
> 16,32,64,128,256,512,2048,8192
>           file     0     0K      8K 78644K       10    0     0  8192
>      file desc    24    52K     76K 78644K     1001    0     0  
> 512,1024,2048,4096
>           proc    15    10K     10K 78644K       15    0     0  64,1024,4096
>    VFS cluster     0     0K      1K 78644K     1426    0     0  64
>    NFS srvsock     1     1K      1K 78644K        1    0     0  128
>     NFS daemon     1    16K     16K 78644K        1    0     0  16384
>       in_multi    14     1K      1K 78644K       27    0     0  32,64,128
>    ether_multi     3     1K      1K 78644K       42    0     0  64
>    ISOFS mount     1    32K     32K 78644K        1    0     0  32768
>  MSDOSFS mount     1    16K     17K 78644K        3    0     0  512,16384
>    MSDOSFS fat     0     0K     32K 78644K        2    0     0  32768
>   MSDOSFS node     0     0K      2K 78644K        7    0     0  256
>           ttys   409   256K    256K 78644K      421    0     0  128,512,1024
>           exec     0     0K     16K 78644K   131723    0     0  16,32,256,1024
>     pfkey data     1     1K      1K 78644K        2    0     0  128
>        pagedep     1     8K      8K 78644K        1    0     0  8192
>       inodedep     1    32K    169K 78644K     6129    0     0  128,32768
>         newblk     1     1K      1K 78644K        1    0     0  512
>       indirdep     0     0K     32K 78644K       38    0     0  16384
>        VM swap     7   299K    299K 78644K        7    0     0  
> 16,64,2048,262144
>       UVM amap 26916  2130K   3842K 78644K  7588581    0     0  
> 16,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048,4096,8192
>       UVM aobj   271    41K     86K 78644K    21519    0     0  
> 16,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048
>            USB   121    31K     35K 78644K     1325    0     0  
> 16,32,64,128,256,512,8192
>     USB device   103    14K     14K 78644K      560    0     0  
> 16,32,64,128,256,512
>         USB HC     2     1K      1K 78644K       26    0     0  128,512
>        memdesc     1     4K      8K 78644K        2    0     0  4096
>    crypto data     1     1K      1K 78644K        1    0     0  1024
>            NDP     7     1K      1K 78644K        7    0     0  64,256
>           temp    94    60K    210K 78644K  5270516    0     0  
> 16,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048,4096,8192,16384,65536,131072
>     AGP Memory     2     1K      1K 78644K        2    0     0  32,128
>            DRM  1716   278K    493K 78644K  5486422    0     0  
> 16,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048,4096,8192,16384,32768
> Memory Totals:  In Use    Free    Requests
>                  9705K   3338K    19125486
> Memory resource pool statistics
> Name        Size Requests Fail    InUse Pgreq Pgrel Npage Hiwat Minpg Maxpg 
> Idle
> phpool       112     8387    0     2664   100     0   100   100     0     8   
>  6
> extentpl      40     7728    0      216     5     0     5     5     0     8   
>  2
> pmappl       168    79206    0       90     6     0     6     6     0     8   
>  1
> pvpl          32 55830569    0   121241  4333  2823  1510  2234     0   265  
> 265
> pdppl       4096    79206    0       90    16     0    16    16     0     8   
>  3
> vmsppl       240    79206    0       90     8     0     8     8     0     8   
>  1
> vmmpepl      168 20696995    0    35908  6496  4648  1848  3715     0   357  
> 235
> vmmpekpl     168   443854    0      170     9     0     9     9     0     8   
>  0
> uaddr         24    79207    0       91     1     0     1     1     0     8   
>  0
> uaddrbest     32        2    0        2     1     0     1     1     0     8   
>  0
> uaddrrnd      24    79207    0       91     1     0     1     1     0     8   
>  0
> aobjpl        64    21518    0      270     9     0     9     9     0     8   
>  3
> dma16         16       36    0        0     1     0     1     1     0     8   
>  1
> dma32         32        9    0        0     1     0     1     1     0     8   
>  1
> dma64         64       41    0        0     1     0     1     1     0     8   
>  1
> dma256       256       26    0        0     1     0     1     1     0     8   
>  1
> dma512       512        4    0        1     1     0     1     1     0     8   
>  0
> dma1024     1024       18    0        0     1     0     1     1     0     8   
>  1
> dma4096     4096        1    0        0     1     0     1     1     0     8   
>  1
> amappl        72  7389893    0    25557  1619  1110   509  1345     0    75   
> 24
> anonpl        16 14412002    0    71312   912   363   549   580     0   124  
> 103
> bufpl        256   387121    0    13771  6289  5426   863  1753     0     8   
>  0
> mbufpl       256 13367329    0      125    26     0    26    26     1   384   
>  9
> mtagpl        72       16    0        0     1     0     1     1     0     8   
>  1
> mcl2k       2048  1524934    0        2     9     0     9     9     1   768   
>  8
> mcl4k       4096   427808    0       64    36     0    36    36     1   768   
> 27
> sockpl       392    15777    0      168    41    10    31    32     0     8   
>  8
> procpl       568    82749    0      168    16     0    16    16     0     8   
>  3
> processpl    632    79224    0      108    12     0    12    12     0     8   
>  1
> zombiepl     144    79121    0        5     1     0     1     1     0     8   
>  0
> ucredpl       96     1540    0       47     2     0     2     2     0     8   
>  0
> pgrppl        40     1604    0       40     1     0     1     1     0     8   
>  0
> sessionpl     64      355    0       38     1     0     1     1     0     8   
>  0
> lockfpl       88    64147    0       20     1     0     1     1     0     8   
>  0
> filepl       120   742243    0      517    25     5    20    24     0     8   
>  1
> fdescpl      440    79207    0       91    14     0    14    14     0     8   
>  2
> pipepl       120   108796    0       53     5     0     5     5     0     8   
>  3
> kqueuepl     320      190    0       19     3     0     3     3     0     8   
>  1
> knotepl      112   103914    0      118     5     0     5     5     0     8   
>  1
> sigapl       432    79206    0       90    14     0    14    14     0     8   
>  3
> scxspl       192   256572    0        0     2     0     2     2     0     8   
>  2
> drmobjpl     328    14844    0      227    61    35    26    42     0     8   
>  0
> ehcixfer     264     2528    0        2     1     0     1     1     0     8   
>  0
> wdcxfer      176      181    0        0     1     0     1     1     0     8   
>  1
> uhcixfer     264     4060    0        9     1     0     1     1     0     8   
>  0
> namei       1024  2578250    0        0     5     0     5     5     0     8   
>  5
> vnodes       200    28033    0    28033  1476     0  1476  1476     0     8   
>  0
> uvmvnodes     72    28033    0    28033   510     0   510   510     0     8   
>  0
> nchpl        144   633275    0     4811   220     0   220   220     0     8   
>  0
> ffsino       240    47520    0    24277  1708   278  1430  1430     0     8   
>  0
> dino1pl      128    47520    0    24277   921   136   785   785     0     8   
>  0
> pagedep      128     3408    0        1     6     0     6     6     0     8   
>  5
> inodedep     152    28749    0        1   374   366     8   152     0     8   
>  7
> newblk        64   106942    0        0     1     0     1     1     0     8   
>  1
> bmsafemap     64     7100    0        1     3     0     3     3     0     8   
>  2
> allocdir     128    55629    0        0   471   463     8   169     0     8   
>  8
> indirdep      56     4867    0        1     3     0     3     3     0     8   
>  2
> allocindir   104    51313    0        0   494   486     8    57     0     8   
>  8
> freefrag      64     1194    0        0     1     0     1     1     0     8   
>  1
> freeblks     192    14314    0        0   213   205     8   144     0     8   
>  8
> freefile      48    13702    0        0    38    30     8    35     0     8   
>  8
> diradd        56    22952    0        1   113   105     8    73     0     8   
>  7
> mkdir         56      956    0        0     2     0     2     2     0     8   
>  2
> dirrem        64    21613    0        0    84    76     8    47     0     8   
>  8
> newdirblk     32      110    0        0     1     0     1     1     0     8   
>  1
> dirhash     1024     2279    0     1892   238     0   238   238     0     8   
>  1
> shmpl        112     6673    0       42     4     0     4     4     0     8   
>  2
> pfrule      1336       19    0        3     7     0     7     7     0     8   
>  5
> pfstate      312     3062    0       33    38    19    19    26     0     8   
>  8
> pfstkey      104     3062    0       33     9     0     9     9     0     8   
>  3
> pfstitem      24     3062    0       33     3     0     3     3     0     8   
>  0
> pfosfpen     112     1420    0      710    21     0    21    21     0     8   
>  0
> pfosfp        40      840    0      420     5     0     5     5     0     8   
>  0
> rtentry      192      126    0       30     2     0     2     2     0     8   
>  0
> rtmask        32       35    0        9     1     0     1     1     0     8   
>  0
> rttmr         72       31    0        1     1     0     1     1     0     8   
>  0
> tcpcb        560     1434    0       31    13     0    13    13     0     8   
>  7
> tcpqe         32     1114    0        0     1     0     1     1     0     8   
>  1
> sackhl        24       18    0        0     1     0     1     1     0     8   
>  1
> plimitpl     152      226    0       38     2     0     2     2     0     8   
>  0
> inpcbpl      344    12151    0       36    17     1    16    17     0     8   
>  8
> arp           56       44    0        3     1     0     1     1     0     8   
>  0
> In use 36440K, total allocated 45748K; utilization 79.7%
> - swap partition should have enough free space:
> just22@poseidon:[~]> swapctl 
> Device      512-blocks     Used    Avail Capacity  Priority
> /dev/sd0b      8391600        0  8391600     0%    0
> - OpenBSD 5.7-current, as I said:
> just22@poseidon:[~]> uname -a
> OpenBSD poseidon.atlantide.net 5.7 GENERIC.MP#921 amd64
> I understand that this reports lacks really useful information, but I
> don't know how to proceed with the debug phase - I'm of course available
> to further investigation: just let me know how to proceed.
> All the best
> [1]
> OpenBSD 5.7-current (GENERIC.MP) #921: Wed Apr 15 00:27:51 MDT 2015
>     dera...@amd64.openbsd.org:/usr/src/sys/arch/amd64/compile/GENERIC.MP
> real mem = 2087387136 (1990MB)
> avail mem = 2020261888 (1926MB)
> mpath0 at root
> scsibus0 at mpath0: 256 targets
> mainbus0 at root
> bios0 at mainbus0: SMBIOS rev. 2.4 @ 0xe0010 (73 entries)
> bios0: vendor LENOVO version "7LETD0WW (2.30 )" date 02/27/2012
> bios0: LENOVO 7735WX2
> acpi0 at bios0: rev 2
> acpi0: sleep states S0 S3 S4 S5
> acpi0: wakeup devices LID_(S3) SLPB(S3) LURT(S3) DURT(S3) IGBE(S4) EXP0(S4) 
> EXP1(S4) EXP2(S4) EXP3(S4) EXP4(S4) PCI1(S4) USB0(S3) USB1(S3) USB2(S3) 
> USB3(S3) USB4(S3) [...]
> acpitimer0 at acpi0: 3579545 Hz, 24 bits
> acpiec0 at acpi0
> acpimadt0 at acpi0 addr 0xfee00000: PC-AT compat
> cpu0 at mainbus0: apid 0 (boot processor)
> cpu0: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T8100 @ 2.10GHz, 2294.66 MHz
> cpu0: 
> cpu0: 3MB 64b/line 8-way L2 cache
> cpu0: smt 0, core 0, package 0
> mtrr: Pentium Pro MTRR support, 8 var ranges, 88 fixed ranges
> cpu0: apic clock running at 199MHz
> cpu0: mwait min=64, max=64, C-substates=, IBE
> cpu1 at mainbus0: apid 1 (application processor)
> cpu1: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T8100 @ 2.10GHz, 2094.75 MHz
> cpu1: 
> cpu1: 3MB 64b/line 8-way L2 cache
> cpu1: smt 0, core 1, package 0
> ioapic0 at mainbus0: apid 1 pa 0xfec00000, version 20, 24 pins
> ioapic0: misconfigured as apic 2, remapped to apid 1
> acpimcfg0 at acpi0 addr 0xf0000000, bus 0-63
> acpihpet0 at acpi0: 14318179 Hz
> acpiprt0 at acpi0: bus 0 (PCI0)
> acpiprt1 at acpi0: bus -1 (AGP_)
> acpiprt2 at acpi0: bus 2 (EXP0)
> acpiprt3 at acpi0: bus 3 (EXP1)
> acpiprt4 at acpi0: bus 4 (EXP2)
> acpiprt5 at acpi0: bus 5 (EXP3)
> acpiprt6 at acpi0: bus 13 (EXP4)
> acpiprt7 at acpi0: bus 21 (PCI1)
> acpicpu0 at acpi0: C3, C2, C1, PSS
> acpicpu1 at acpi0: C3, C2, C1, PSS
> acpipwrres0 at acpi0: PUBS, resource for USB0, USB2, USB4, EHC0, EHC1
> acpitz0 at acpi0: critical temperature is 127 degC
> acpitz1 at acpi0: critical temperature is 100 degC
> acpibtn0 at acpi0: LID_
> acpibtn1 at acpi0: SLPB
> acpibat0 at acpi0: BAT0 model "42T5264" serial  4317 type LION oem "Panasonic"
> acpibat1 at acpi0: BAT1 not present
> acpiac0 at acpi0: AC unit online
> acpithinkpad0 at acpi0
> acpidock0 at acpi0: GDCK not docked (0)
> cpu0: Enhanced SpeedStep 2294 MHz: speeds: 2101, 2100, 1600, 1200, 800 MHz
> pci0 at mainbus0 bus 0
> pchb0 at pci0 dev 0 function 0 "Intel GM965 Host" rev 0x0c
> vga1 at pci0 dev 2 function 0 "Intel GM965 Video" rev 0x0c
> intagp0 at vga1
> agp0 at intagp0: aperture at 0xe0000000, size 0x10000000
> inteldrm0 at vga1
> drm0 at inteldrm0
> inteldrm0: 1280x800
> wsdisplay0 at vga1 mux 1: console (std, vt100 emulation)
> wsdisplay0: screen 1-5 added (std, vt100 emulation)
> "Intel GM965 Video" rev 0x0c at pci0 dev 2 function 1 not configured
> em0 at pci0 dev 25 function 0 "Intel ICH8 IGP M AMT" rev 0x03: msi, address 
> 00:21:86:94:34:8e
> uhci0 at pci0 dev 26 function 0 "Intel 82801H USB" rev 0x03: apic 1 int 20
> uhci1 at pci0 dev 26 function 1 "Intel 82801H USB" rev 0x03: apic 1 int 21
> ehci0 at pci0 dev 26 function 7 "Intel 82801H USB" rev 0x03: apic 1 int 22
> usb0 at ehci0: USB revision 2.0
> uhub0 at usb0 "Intel EHCI root hub" rev 2.00/1.00 addr 1
> azalia0 at pci0 dev 27 function 0 "Intel 82801H HD Audio" rev 0x03: msi
> azalia0: codecs: Analog Devices AD1984, Conexant/0x2bfa, using Analog Devices 
> AD1984
> audio0 at azalia0
> ppb0 at pci0 dev 28 function 0 "Intel 82801H PCIE" rev 0x03: msi
> pci1 at ppb0 bus 2
> ppb1 at pci0 dev 28 function 1 "Intel 82801H PCIE" rev 0x03: msi
> pci2 at ppb1 bus 3
> iwn0 at pci2 dev 0 function 0 "Intel Wireless WiFi Link 4965" rev 0x61: msi, 
> MIMO 2T3R, MoW2, address 00:21:5c:75:a7:1d
> ppb2 at pci0 dev 28 function 2 "Intel 82801H PCIE" rev 0x03: msi
> pci3 at ppb2 bus 4
> ppb3 at pci0 dev 28 function 3 "Intel 82801H PCIE" rev 0x03: msi
> pci4 at ppb3 bus 5
> ppb4 at pci0 dev 28 function 4 "Intel 82801H PCIE" rev 0x03: msi
> pci5 at ppb4 bus 13
> uhci2 at pci0 dev 29 function 0 "Intel 82801H USB" rev 0x03: apic 1 int 16
> uhci3 at pci0 dev 29 function 1 "Intel 82801H USB" rev 0x03: apic 1 int 17
> uhci4 at pci0 dev 29 function 2 "Intel 82801H USB" rev 0x03: apic 1 int 18
> ehci1 at pci0 dev 29 function 7 "Intel 82801H USB" rev 0x03: apic 1 int 19
> usb1 at ehci1: USB revision 2.0
> uhub1 at usb1 "Intel EHCI root hub" rev 2.00/1.00 addr 1
> ppb5 at pci0 dev 30 function 0 "Intel 82801BAM Hub-to-PCI" rev 0xf3
> pci6 at ppb5 bus 21
> cbb0 at pci6 dev 0 function 0 "Ricoh 5C476 CardBus" rev 0xba: apic 1 int 16
> "Ricoh 5C832 Firewire" rev 0x04 at pci6 dev 0 function 1 not configured
> cardslot0 at cbb0 slot 0 flags 0
> cardbus0 at cardslot0: bus 22 device 0 cacheline 0x8, lattimer 0xb0
> pcmcia0 at cardslot0
> pcib0 at pci0 dev 31 function 0 "Intel 82801HEM LPC" rev 0x03
> pciide0 at pci0 dev 31 function 1 "Intel 82801HBM IDE" rev 0x03: DMA, channel 
> 0 configured to compatibility, channel 1 configured to compatibility
> atapiscsi0 at pciide0 channel 0 drive 0
> scsibus1 at atapiscsi0: 2 targets
> cd0 at scsibus1 targ 0 lun 0: <HL-DT-ST, RW/DVD GCC-T10N, 1.04> ATAPI 5/cdrom 
> removable
> cd0(pciide0:0:0): using PIO mode 4, Ultra-DMA mode 2
> pciide0: channel 1 ignored (disabled)
> ahci0 at pci0 dev 31 function 2 "Intel 82801HBM AHCI" rev 0x03: msi, AHCI 1.1
> ahci0: port 0: 1.5Gb/s
> scsibus2 at ahci0: 32 targets
> sd0 at scsibus2 targ 0 lun 0: <ATA, TOSHIBA MK8052GS, LV01> SCSI3 0/direct 
> fixed naa.50000391216820fb
> sd0: 76319MB, 512 bytes/sector, 156301488 sectors
> ichiic0 at pci0 dev 31 function 3 "Intel 82801H SMBus" rev 0x03: apic 1 int 23
> iic0 at ichiic0
> usb2 at uhci0: USB revision 1.0
> uhub2 at usb2 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
> usb3 at uhci1: USB revision 1.0
> uhub3 at usb3 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
> usb4 at uhci2: USB revision 1.0
> uhub4 at usb4 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
> usb5 at uhci3: USB revision 1.0
> uhub5 at usb5 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
> usb6 at uhci4: USB revision 1.0
> uhub6 at usb6 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
> isa0 at pcib0
> isadma0 at isa0
> pckbc0 at isa0 port 0x60/5
> pckbd0 at pckbc0 (kbd slot)
> pckbc0: using irq 1 for kbd slot
> wskbd0 at pckbd0: console keyboard, using wsdisplay0
> pms0 at pckbc0 (aux slot)
> pckbc0: using irq 12 for aux slot
> wsmouse0 at pms0 mux 0
> wsmouse1 at pms0 mux 0
> pms0: Synaptics touchpad, firmware 6.2
> pcppi0 at isa0 port 0x61
> spkr0 at pcppi0
> aps0 at isa0 port 0x1600/31
> ugen0 at uhub2 port 1 "Broadcom Corp BCM2045B" rev 2.00/1.00 addr 2
> uhidev0 at uhub4 port 2 configuration 1 interface 0 "Logitech USB Receiver" 
> rev 2.00/12.01 addr 2
> uhidev0: iclass 3/1
> ukbd0 at uhidev0: 8 variable keys, 6 key codes
> wskbd1 at ukbd0 mux 1
> wskbd1: connecting to wsdisplay0
> uhidev1 at uhub4 port 2 configuration 1 interface 1 "Logitech USB Receiver" 
> rev 2.00/12.01 addr 2
> uhidev1: iclass 3/1, 8 report ids
> ums0 at uhidev1 reportid 2: 16 buttons, Z dir
> wsmouse2 at ums0 mux 0
> uhid0 at uhidev1 reportid 3: input=4, output=0, feature=0
> uhid1 at uhidev1 reportid 4: input=1, output=0, feature=0
> uhid2 at uhidev1 reportid 8: input=1, output=0, feature=0
> uhidev2 at uhub4 port 2 configuration 1 interface 2 "Logitech USB Receiver" 
> rev 2.00/12.01 addr 2
> uhidev2: iclass 3/0, 33 report ids
> uhid3 at uhidev2 reportid 16: input=6, output=6, feature=0
> uhid4 at uhidev2 reportid 17: input=19, output=19, feature=0
> uhid5 at uhidev2 reportid 32: input=14, output=14, feature=0
> uhid6 at uhidev2 reportid 33: input=31, output=31, feature=0
> vscsi0 at root
> scsibus3 at vscsi0: 256 targets
> softraid0 at root
> scsibus4 at softraid0: 256 targets
> root on sd0a (ff014e14e96d5c40.a) swap on sd0b dump on sd0b
> umass0 at uhub0 port 3 configuration 1 interface 0 "Generic Mass Storage" rev 
> 2.00/1.04 addr 2
> umass0: using SCSI over Bulk-Only
> scsibus5 at umass0: 2 targets, initiator 0
> sd1 at scsibus5 targ 1 lun 0: <Generic, Flash Disk, 8.07> SCSI2 0/direct 
> removable
> sd1: 950MB, 512 bytes/sector, 1945600 sectors
> sd1 detached
> scsibus5 detached
> umass0 detached
> umass0 at uhub0 port 3 configuration 1 interface 0 "Generic Mass Storage" rev 
> 2.00/1.04 addr 2
> umass0: using SCSI over Bulk-Only
> scsibus5 at umass0: 2 targets, initiator 0
> sd1 at scsibus5 targ 1 lun 0: <Generic, Flash Disk, 8.07> SCSI2 0/direct 
> removable
> sd1: 950MB, 512 bytes/sector, 1945600 sectors
> sd1 detached
> scsibus5 detached
> umass0 detached
> ugen1 at uhub3 port 1 "Canon Inc. Canon Digital Camera" rev 1.10/0.01 addr 2
> ugen0 detached
> uhub2 detached
> ugen1 detached
> uhub3 detached
> uhub0 detached
> wskbd1: disconnecting from wsdisplay0
> wskbd1 detached
> ukbd0 detached
> uhidev0 detached
> wsmouse2 detached
> ums0 detached
> uhid0 detached
> uhid1 detached
> uhid2 detached
> uhidev1 detached
> uhid3 detached
> uhid4 detached
> uhid5 detached
> uhid6 detached
> uhidev2 detached
> uhub4 detached
> uhub5 detached
> uhub6 detached
> uhub1 detached
> uhub0 at usb2 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub1 at usb3 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub2 at usb0 "Intel EHCI root hub" rev 2.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub3 at usb4 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub4 at usb5 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub5 at usb6 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub6 at usb1 "Intel EHCI root hub" rev 2.00/1.00 addr 1
> ugen0 at uhub0 port 1 "Broadcom Corp BCM2045B" rev 2.00/1.00 addr 2
> uhidev0 at uhub3 port 2 configuration 1 interface 0 "Logitech USB Receiver" 
> rev 2.00/12.01 addr 2
> uhidev0: iclass 3/1
> ukbd0 at uhidev0: 8 variable keys, 6 key codes
> wskbd1 at ukbd0 mux 1
> wskbd1: connecting to wsdisplay0
> uhidev1 at uhub3 port 2 configuration 1 interface 1 "Logitech USB Receiver" 
> rev 2.00/12.01 addr 2
> uhidev1: iclass 3/1, 8 report ids
> ums0 at uhidev1 reportid 2: 16 buttons, Z dir
> wsmouse2 at ums0 mux 0
> uhid0 at uhidev1 reportid 3: input=4, output=0, feature=0
> uhid1 at uhidev1 reportid 4: input=1, output=0, feature=0
> uhid2 at uhidev1 reportid 8: input=1, output=0, feature=0
> uhidev2 at uhub3 port 2 configuration 1 interface 2 "Logitech USB Receiver" 
> rev 2.00/12.01 addr 2
> uhidev2: iclass 3/0, 33 report ids
> uhid3 at uhidev2 reportid 16: input=6, output=6, feature=0
> uhid4 at uhidev2 reportid 17: input=19, output=19, feature=0
> uhid5 at uhidev2 reportid 32: input=14, output=14, feature=0
> uhid6 at uhidev2 reportid 33: input=31, output=31, feature=0
> ugen0 detached
> uhub0 detached
> uhub1 detached
> uhub2 detached
> wskbd1: disconnecting from wsdisplay0
> wskbd1 detached
> ukbd0 detached
> uhidev0 detached
> wsmouse2 detached
> ums0 detached
> uhid0 detached
> uhid1 detached
> uhid2 detached
> uhidev1 detached
> uhid3 detached
> uhid4 detached
> uhid5 detached
> uhid6 detached
> uhidev2 detached
> uhub3 detached
> uhub4 detached
> uhub5 detached
> uhub6 detached
> uhub0 at usb2 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub1 at usb3 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub2 at usb0 "Intel EHCI root hub" rev 2.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub3 at usb4 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub4 at usb5 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub5 at usb6 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub6 at usb1 "Intel EHCI root hub" rev 2.00/1.00 addr 1
> ugen0 at uhub0 port 1 "Broadcom Corp BCM2045B" rev 2.00/1.00 addr 2
> uhidev0 at uhub3 port 2 configuration 1 interface 0 "Logitech USB Receiver" 
> rev 2.00/12.01 addr 2
> uhidev0: iclass 3/1
> ukbd0 at uhidev0: 8 variable keys, 6 key codes
> wskbd1 at ukbd0 mux 1
> wskbd1: connecting to wsdisplay0
> uhidev1 at uhub3 port 2 configuration 1 interface 1 "Logitech USB Receiver" 
> rev 2.00/12.01 addr 2
> uhidev1: iclass 3/1, 8 report ids
> ums0 at uhidev1 reportid 2: 16 buttons, Z dir
> wsmouse2 at ums0 mux 0
> uhid0 at uhidev1 reportid 3: input=4, output=0, feature=0
> uhid1 at uhidev1 reportid 4: input=1, output=0, feature=0
> uhid2 at uhidev1 reportid 8: input=1, output=0, feature=0
> uhidev2 at uhub3 port 2 configuration 1 interface 2 "Logitech USB Receiver" 
> rev 2.00/12.01 addr 2
> uhidev2: iclass 3/0, 33 report ids
> uhid3 at uhidev2 reportid 16: input=6, output=6, feature=0
> uhid4 at uhidev2 reportid 17: input=19, output=19, feature=0
> uhid5 at uhidev2 reportid 32: input=14, output=14, feature=0
> uhid6 at uhidev2 reportid 33: input=31, output=31, feature=0
> ugen0 detached
> uhub0 detached
> uhub1 detached
> uhub2 detached
> wskbd1: disconnecting from wsdisplay0
> wskbd1 detached
> ukbd0 detached
> uhidev0 detached
> wsmouse2 detached
> ums0 detached
> uhid0 detached
> uhid1 detached
> uhid2 detached
> uhidev1 detached
> uhid3 detached
> uhid4 detached
> uhid5 detached
> uhid6 detached
> uhidev2 detached
> uhub3 detached
> uhub4 detached
> uhub5 detached
> uhub6 detached
> uhub0 at usb2 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub1 at usb3 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub2 at usb0 "Intel EHCI root hub" rev 2.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub3 at usb4 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub4 at usb5 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub5 at usb6 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub6 at usb1 "Intel EHCI root hub" rev 2.00/1.00 addr 1
> ugen0 at uhub0 port 1 "Broadcom Corp BCM2045B" rev 2.00/1.00 addr 2
> uhidev0 at uhub3 port 2 configuration 1 interface 0 "Logitech USB Receiver" 
> rev 2.00/12.01 addr 2
> uhidev0: iclass 3/1
> ukbd0 at uhidev0: 8 variable keys, 6 key codes
> wskbd1 at ukbd0 mux 1
> wskbd1: connecting to wsdisplay0
> uhidev1 at uhub3 port 2 configuration 1 interface 1 "Logitech USB Receiver" 
> rev 2.00/12.01 addr 2
> uhidev1: iclass 3/1, 8 report ids
> ums0 at uhidev1 reportid 2: 16 buttons, Z dir
> wsmouse2 at ums0 mux 0
> uhid0 at uhidev1 reportid 3: input=4, output=0, feature=0
> uhid1 at uhidev1 reportid 4: input=1, output=0, feature=0
> uhid2 at uhidev1 reportid 8: input=1, output=0, feature=0
> uhidev2 at uhub3 port 2 configuration 1 interface 2 "Logitech USB Receiver" 
> rev 2.00/12.01 addr 2
> uhidev2: iclass 3/0, 33 report ids
> uhid3 at uhidev2 reportid 16: input=6, output=6, feature=0
> uhid4 at uhidev2 reportid 17: input=19, output=19, feature=0
> uhid5 at uhidev2 reportid 32: input=14, output=14, feature=0
> uhid6 at uhidev2 reportid 33: input=31, output=31, feature=0
> ugen0 detached
> uhub0 detached
> uhub1 detached
> uhub2 detached
> wskbd1: disconnecting from wsdisplay0
> wskbd1 detached
> ukbd0 detached
> uhidev0 detached
> wsmouse2 detached
> ums0 detached
> uhid0 detached
> uhid1 detached
> uhid2 detached
> uhidev1 detached
> uhid3 detached
> uhid4 detached
> uhid5 detached
> uhid6 detached
> uhidev2 detached
> uhub3 detached
> uhub4 detached
> uhub5 detached
> uhub6 detached
> uhub0 at usb2 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub1 at usb3 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub2 at usb0 "Intel EHCI root hub" rev 2.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub3 at usb4 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub4 at usb5 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub5 at usb6 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub6 at usb1 "Intel EHCI root hub" rev 2.00/1.00 addr 1
> ugen0 at uhub0 port 1 "Broadcom Corp BCM2045B" rev 2.00/1.00 addr 2
> uhidev0 at uhub3 port 2 configuration 1 interface 0 "Logitech USB Receiver" 
> rev 2.00/12.01 addr 2
> uhidev0: iclass 3/1
> ukbd0 at uhidev0: 8 variable keys, 6 key codes
> wskbd1 at ukbd0 mux 1
> wskbd1: connecting to wsdisplay0
> uhidev1 at uhub3 port 2 configuration 1 interface 1 "Logitech USB Receiver" 
> rev 2.00/12.01 addr 2
> uhidev1: iclass 3/1, 8 report ids
> ums0 at uhidev1 reportid 2: 16 buttons, Z dir
> wsmouse2 at ums0 mux 0
> uhid0 at uhidev1 reportid 3: input=4, output=0, feature=0
> uhid1 at uhidev1 reportid 4: input=1, output=0, feature=0
> uhid2 at uhidev1 reportid 8: input=1, output=0, feature=0
> uhidev2 at uhub3 port 2 configuration 1 interface 2 "Logitech USB Receiver" 
> rev 2.00/12.01 addr 2
> uhidev2: iclass 3/0, 33 report ids
> uhid3 at uhidev2 reportid 16: input=6, output=6, feature=0
> uhid4 at uhidev2 reportid 17: input=19, output=19, feature=0
> uhid5 at uhidev2 reportid 32: input=14, output=14, feature=0
> uhid6 at uhidev2 reportid 33: input=31, output=31, feature=0
> ugen0 detached
> uhub0 detached
> uhub1 detached
> uhub2 detached
> wskbd1: disconnecting from wsdisplay0
> wskbd1 detached
> ukbd0 detached
> uhidev0 detached
> wsmouse2 detached
> ums0 detached
> uhid0 detached
> uhid1 detached
> uhid2 detached
> uhidev1 detached
> uhid3 detached
> uhid4 detached
> uhid5 detached
> uhid6 detached
> uhidev2 detached
> uhub3 detached
> uhub4 detached
> uhub5 detached
> uhub6 detached
> uhub0 at usb2 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub1 at usb3 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub2 at usb0 "Intel EHCI root hub" rev 2.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub3 at usb4 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub4 at usb5 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub5 at usb6 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub6 at usb1 "Intel EHCI root hub" rev 2.00/1.00 addr 1
> ugen0 at uhub0 port 1 "Broadcom Corp BCM2045B" rev 2.00/1.00 addr 2
> uhidev0 at uhub3 port 2 configuration 1 interface 0 "Logitech USB Receiver" 
> rev 2.00/12.01 addr 2
> uhidev0: iclass 3/1
> ukbd0 at uhidev0: 8 variable keys, 6 key codes
> wskbd1 at ukbd0 mux 1
> wskbd1: connecting to wsdisplay0
> uhidev1 at uhub3 port 2 configuration 1 interface 1 "Logitech USB Receiver" 
> rev 2.00/12.01 addr 2
> uhidev1: iclass 3/1, 8 report ids
> ums0 at uhidev1 reportid 2: 16 buttons, Z dir
> wsmouse2 at ums0 mux 0
> uhid0 at uhidev1 reportid 3: input=4, output=0, feature=0
> uhid1 at uhidev1 reportid 4: input=1, output=0, feature=0
> uhid2 at uhidev1 reportid 8: input=1, output=0, feature=0
> uhidev2 at uhub3 port 2 configuration 1 interface 2 "Logitech USB Receiver" 
> rev 2.00/12.01 addr 2
> uhidev2: iclass 3/0, 33 report ids
> uhid3 at uhidev2 reportid 16: input=6, output=6, feature=0
> uhid4 at uhidev2 reportid 17: input=19, output=19, feature=0
> uhid5 at uhidev2 reportid 32: input=14, output=14, feature=0
> uhid6 at uhidev2 reportid 33: input=31, output=31, feature=0
> uhub7 at uhub6 port 1 "Genesys Logic USB2.0 Hub" rev 2.00/9.01 addr 2
> uhub8 at uhub7 port 1 "Genesys Logic USB2.0 Hub" rev 2.00/9.01 addr 3
> uhidev3 at uhub8 port 2 configuration 1 interface 0 "CHICONY HP Basic USB 
> Keyboard" rev 1.10/3.00 addr 4
> uhidev3: iclass 3/1
> ukbd1 at uhidev3: 8 variable keys, 6 key codes
> wskbd2 at ukbd1 mux 1
> wskbd2: connecting to wsdisplay0
> uhidev4 at uhub7 port 2 configuration 1 interface 0 "Logitech USB-PS/2 
> Optical Mouse" rev 2.00/27.20 addr 5
> uhidev4: iclass 3/1
> ums1 at uhidev4: 8 buttons, Z dir
> wsmouse3 at ums1 mux 0
> uaudio0 at uhub7 port 3 configuration 1 interface 1 "Logitech product 0x089d" 
> rev 1.10/1.00 addr 6
> uaudio0: audio rev 1.00, 3 mixer controls
> audio1 at uaudio0
> ugen1 at uhub7 port 3 configuration 1 "Logitech product 0x089d" rev 1.10/1.00 
> addr 6
> ugen0 detached
> uhub0 detached
> uhub1 detached
> uhub2 detached
> wskbd1: disconnecting from wsdisplay0
> wskbd1 detached
> ukbd0 detached
> uhidev0 detached
> wsmouse2 detached
> ums0 detached
> uhid0 detached
> uhid1 detached
> uhid2 detached
> uhidev1 detached
> uhid3 detached
> uhid4 detached
> uhid5 detached
> uhid6 detached
> uhidev2 detached
> uhub3 detached
> uhub4 detached
> uhub5 detached
> wskbd2: disconnecting from wsdisplay0
> wskbd2 detached
> ukbd1 detached
> uhidev3 detached
> uhub8 detached
> wsmouse3 detached
> ums1 detached
> uhidev4 detached
> audio1 detached
> uaudio0 detached
> ugen1 detached
> uhub7 detached
> uhub6 detached
> uhub0 at usb2 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub1 at usb3 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub2 at usb0 "Intel EHCI root hub" rev 2.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub3 at usb4 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub4 at usb5 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub5 at usb6 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub6 at usb1 "Intel EHCI root hub" rev 2.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub7 at uhub6 port 1 "Genesys Logic USB2.0 Hub" rev 2.00/9.01 addr 2
> uhub8 at uhub7 port 1 "Genesys Logic USB2.0 Hub" rev 2.00/9.01 addr 3
> uhidev0 at uhub8 port 2 configuration 1 interface 0 "CHICONY HP Basic USB 
> Keyboard" rev 1.10/3.00 addr 4
> uhidev0: iclass 3/1
> ukbd0 at uhidev0: 8 variable keys, 6 key codes
> wskbd1 at ukbd0 mux 1
> wskbd1: connecting to wsdisplay0
> uhidev1 at uhub7 port 2 configuration 1 interface 0 "Logitech USB-PS/2 
> Optical Mouse" rev 2.00/27.20 addr 5
> uhidev1: iclass 3/1
> ums0 at uhidev1: 8 buttons, Z dir
> wsmouse2 at ums0 mux 0
> uaudio0 at uhub7 port 3 configuration 1 interface 1 "Logitech product 0x089d" 
> rev 1.10/1.00 addr 6
> uaudio0: audio rev 1.00, 3 mixer controls
> audio1 at uaudio0
> ugen0 at uhub7 port 3 configuration 1 "Logitech product 0x089d" rev 1.10/1.00 
> addr 6
> ugen1 at uhub0 port 1 "Broadcom Corp BCM2045B" rev 2.00/1.00 addr 2
> uhidev2 at uhub3 port 2 configuration 1 interface 0 "Logitech USB Receiver" 
> rev 2.00/12.01 addr 2
> uhidev2: iclass 3/1
> ukbd1 at uhidev2: 8 variable keys, 6 key codes
> wskbd2 at ukbd1 mux 1
> wskbd2: connecting to wsdisplay0
> uhidev3 at uhub3 port 2 configuration 1 interface 1 "Logitech USB Receiver" 
> rev 2.00/12.01 addr 2
> uhidev3: iclass 3/1, 8 report ids
> ums1 at uhidev3 reportid 2: 16 buttons, Z dir
> wsmouse3 at ums1 mux 0
> uhid0 at uhidev3 reportid 3: input=4, output=0, feature=0
> uhid1 at uhidev3 reportid 4: input=1, output=0, feature=0
> uhid2 at uhidev3 reportid 8: input=1, output=0, feature=0
> uhidev4 at uhub3 port 2 configuration 1 interface 2 "Logitech USB Receiver" 
> rev 2.00/12.01 addr 2
> uhidev4: iclass 3/0, 33 report ids
> uhid3 at uhidev4 reportid 16: input=6, output=6, feature=0
> uhid4 at uhidev4 reportid 17: input=19, output=19, feature=0
> uhid5 at uhidev4 reportid 32: input=14, output=14, feature=0
> uhid6 at uhidev4 reportid 33: input=31, output=31, feature=0
> ugen1 detached
> uhub0 detached
> uhub1 detached
> uhub2 detached
> wskbd2: disconnecting from wsdisplay0
> wskbd2 detached
> ukbd1 detached
> uhidev2 detached
> wsmouse3 detached
> ums1 detached
> uhid0 detached
> uhid1 detached
> uhid2 detached
> uhidev3 detached
> uhid3 detached
> uhid4 detached
> uhid5 detached
> uhid6 detached
> uhidev4 detached
> uhub3 detached
> uhub4 detached
> uhub5 detached
> wskbd1: disconnecting from wsdisplay0
> wskbd1 detached
> ukbd0 detached
> uhidev0 detached
> uhub8 detached
> wsmouse2 detached
> ums0 detached
> uhidev1 detached
> audio1 detached
> uaudio0 detached
> ugen0 detached
> uhub7 detached
> uhub6 detached
> uhub0 at usb2 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub1 at usb3 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub2 at usb0 "Intel EHCI root hub" rev 2.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub3 at usb4 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub4 at usb5 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub5 at usb6 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub6 at usb1 "Intel EHCI root hub" rev 2.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub7 at uhub6 port 1 "Genesys Logic USB2.0 Hub" rev 2.00/9.01 addr 2
> uhub8 at uhub7 port 1 "Genesys Logic USB2.0 Hub" rev 2.00/9.01 addr 3
> uhidev0 at uhub8 port 2 configuration 1 interface 0 "CHICONY HP Basic USB 
> Keyboard" rev 1.10/3.00 addr 4
> uhidev0: iclass 3/1
> ukbd0 at uhidev0: 8 variable keys, 6 key codes
> wskbd1 at ukbd0 mux 1
> wskbd1: connecting to wsdisplay0
> uhidev1 at uhub7 port 2 configuration 1 interface 0 "Logitech USB-PS/2 
> Optical Mouse" rev 2.00/27.20 addr 5
> uhidev1: iclass 3/1
> ums0 at uhidev1: 8 buttons, Z dir
> wsmouse2 at ums0 mux 0
> uaudio0 at uhub7 port 3 configuration 1 interface 1 "Logitech product 0x089d" 
> rev 1.10/1.00 addr 6
> uaudio0: audio rev 1.00, 3 mixer controls
> audio1 at uaudio0
> ugen0 at uhub7 port 3 configuration 1 "Logitech product 0x089d" rev 1.10/1.00 
> addr 6
> ugen1 at uhub0 port 1 "Broadcom Corp BCM2045B" rev 2.00/1.00 addr 2
> uhidev2 at uhub3 port 2 configuration 1 interface 0 "Logitech USB Receiver" 
> rev 2.00/12.01 addr 2
> uhidev2: iclass 3/1
> ukbd1 at uhidev2: 8 variable keys, 6 key codes
> wskbd2 at ukbd1 mux 1
> wskbd2: connecting to wsdisplay0
> uhidev3 at uhub3 port 2 configuration 1 interface 1 "Logitech USB Receiver" 
> rev 2.00/12.01 addr 2
> uhidev3: iclass 3/1, 8 report ids
> ums1 at uhidev3 reportid 2: 16 buttons, Z dir
> wsmouse3 at ums1 mux 0
> uhid0 at uhidev3 reportid 3: input=4, output=0, feature=0
> uhid1 at uhidev3 reportid 4: input=1, output=0, feature=0
> uhid2 at uhidev3 reportid 8: input=1, output=0, feature=0
> uhidev4 at uhub3 port 2 configuration 1 interface 2 "Logitech USB Receiver" 
> rev 2.00/12.01 addr 2
> uhidev4: iclass 3/0, 33 report ids
> uhid3 at uhidev4 reportid 16: input=6, output=6, feature=0
> uhid4 at uhidev4 reportid 17: input=19, output=19, feature=0
> uhid5 at uhidev4 reportid 32: input=14, output=14, feature=0
> uhid6 at uhidev4 reportid 33: input=31, output=31, feature=0
> ugen1 detached
> uhub0 detached
> uhub1 detached
> uhub2 detached
> wskbd2: disconnecting from wsdisplay0
> wskbd2 detached
> ukbd1 detached
> uhidev2 detached
> wsmouse3 detached
> ums1 detached
> uhid0 detached
> uhid1 detached
> uhid2 detached
> uhidev3 detached
> uhid3 detached
> uhid4 detached
> uhid5 detached
> uhid6 detached
> uhidev4 detached
> uhub3 detached
> uhub4 detached
> uhub5 detached
> wskbd1: disconnecting from wsdisplay0
> wskbd1 detached
> ukbd0 detached
> uhidev0 detached
> uhub8 detached
> wsmouse2 detached
> ums0 detached
> uhidev1 detached
> audio1 detached
> uaudio0 detached
> ugen0 detached
> uhub7 detached
> uhub6 detached
> uhub0 at usb2 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub1 at usb3 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub2 at usb0 "Intel EHCI root hub" rev 2.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub3 at usb4 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub4 at usb5 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub5 at usb6 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub6 at usb1 "Intel EHCI root hub" rev 2.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub7 at uhub6 port 1 "Genesys Logic USB2.0 Hub" rev 2.00/9.01 addr 2
> uhub8 at uhub7 port 1 "Genesys Logic USB2.0 Hub" rev 2.00/9.01 addr 3
> uhidev0 at uhub8 port 2 configuration 1 interface 0 "CHICONY HP Basic USB 
> Keyboard" rev 1.10/3.00 addr 4
> uhidev0: iclass 3/1
> ukbd0 at uhidev0: 8 variable keys, 6 key codes
> wskbd1 at ukbd0 mux 1
> wskbd1: connecting to wsdisplay0
> uhidev1 at uhub7 port 2 configuration 1 interface 0 "Logitech USB-PS/2 
> Optical Mouse" rev 2.00/27.20 addr 5
> uhidev1: iclass 3/1
> ums0 at uhidev1: 8 buttons, Z dir
> wsmouse2 at ums0 mux 0
> uaudio0 at uhub7 port 3 configuration 1 interface 1 "Logitech product 0x089d" 
> rev 1.10/1.00 addr 6
> uaudio0: audio rev 1.00, 3 mixer controls
> audio1 at uaudio0
> ugen0 at uhub7 port 3 configuration 1 "Logitech product 0x089d" rev 1.10/1.00 
> addr 6
> ugen1 at uhub0 port 1 "Broadcom Corp BCM2045B" rev 2.00/1.00 addr 2
> uhidev2 at uhub3 port 2 configuration 1 interface 0 "Logitech USB Receiver" 
> rev 2.00/12.01 addr 2
> uhidev2: iclass 3/1
> ukbd1 at uhidev2: 8 variable keys, 6 key codes
> wskbd2 at ukbd1 mux 1
> wskbd2: connecting to wsdisplay0
> uhidev3 at uhub3 port 2 configuration 1 interface 1 "Logitech USB Receiver" 
> rev 2.00/12.01 addr 2
> uhidev3: iclass 3/1, 8 report ids
> ums1 at uhidev3 reportid 2: 16 buttons, Z dir
> wsmouse3 at ums1 mux 0
> uhid0 at uhidev3 reportid 3: input=4, output=0, feature=0
> uhid1 at uhidev3 reportid 4: input=1, output=0, feature=0
> uhid2 at uhidev3 reportid 8: input=1, output=0, feature=0
> uhidev4 at uhub3 port 2 configuration 1 interface 2 "Logitech USB Receiver" 
> rev 2.00/12.01 addr 2
> uhidev4: iclass 3/0, 33 report ids
> uhid3 at uhidev4 reportid 16: input=6, output=6, feature=0
> uhid4 at uhidev4 reportid 17: input=19, output=19, feature=0
> uhid5 at uhidev4 reportid 32: input=14, output=14, feature=0
> uhid6 at uhidev4 reportid 33: input=31, output=31, feature=0
> ugen1 detached
> uhub0 detached
> uhub1 detached
> uhub2 detached
> wskbd2: disconnecting from wsdisplay0
> wskbd2 detached
> ukbd1 detached
> uhidev2 detached
> wsmouse3 detached
> ums1 detached
> uhid0 detached
> uhid1 detached
> uhid2 detached
> uhidev3 detached
> uhid3 detached
> uhid4 detached
> uhid5 detached
> uhid6 detached
> uhidev4 detached
> uhub3 detached
> uhub4 detached
> uhub5 detached
> wskbd1: disconnecting from wsdisplay0
> wskbd1 detached
> ukbd0 detached
> uhidev0 detached
> uhub8 detached
> wsmouse2 detached
> ums0 detached
> uhidev1 detached
> audio1 detached
> uaudio0 detached
> ugen0 detached
> uhub7 detached
> uhub6 detached
> uhub0 at usb2 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub1 at usb3 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub2 at usb0 "Intel EHCI root hub" rev 2.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub3 at usb4 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub4 at usb5 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub5 at usb6 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub6 at usb1 "Intel EHCI root hub" rev 2.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub7 at uhub6 port 1 "Genesys Logic USB2.0 Hub" rev 2.00/9.01 addr 2
> uhub8 at uhub7 port 1 "Genesys Logic USB2.0 Hub" rev 2.00/9.01 addr 3
> uhidev0 at uhub8 port 2 configuration 1 interface 0 "CHICONY HP Basic USB 
> Keyboard" rev 1.10/3.00 addr 4
> uhidev0: iclass 3/1
> ukbd0 at uhidev0: 8 variable keys, 6 key codes
> wskbd1 at ukbd0 mux 1
> wskbd1: connecting to wsdisplay0
> uhidev1 at uhub7 port 2 configuration 1 interface 0 "Logitech USB-PS/2 
> Optical Mouse" rev 2.00/27.20 addr 5
> uhidev1: iclass 3/1
> ums0 at uhidev1: 8 buttons, Z dir
> wsmouse2 at ums0 mux 0
> uaudio0 at uhub7 port 3 configuration 1 interface 1 "Logitech product 0x089d" 
> rev 1.10/1.00 addr 6
> uaudio0: audio rev 1.00, 3 mixer controls
> audio1 at uaudio0
> ugen0 at uhub7 port 3 configuration 1 "Logitech product 0x089d" rev 1.10/1.00 
> addr 6
> ugen1 at uhub0 port 1 "Broadcom Corp BCM2045B" rev 2.00/1.00 addr 2
> uhidev2 at uhub3 port 2 configuration 1 interface 0 "Logitech USB Receiver" 
> rev 2.00/12.01 addr 2
> uhidev2: iclass 3/1
> ukbd1 at uhidev2: 8 variable keys, 6 key codes
> wskbd2 at ukbd1 mux 1
> wskbd2: connecting to wsdisplay0
> uhidev3 at uhub3 port 2 configuration 1 interface 1 "Logitech USB Receiver" 
> rev 2.00/12.01 addr 2
> uhidev3: iclass 3/1, 8 report ids
> ums1 at uhidev3 reportid 2: 16 buttons, Z dir
> wsmouse3 at ums1 mux 0
> uhid0 at uhidev3 reportid 3: input=4, output=0, feature=0
> uhid1 at uhidev3 reportid 4: input=1, output=0, feature=0
> uhid2 at uhidev3 reportid 8: input=1, output=0, feature=0
> uhidev4 at uhub3 port 2 configuration 1 interface 2 "Logitech USB Receiver" 
> rev 2.00/12.01 addr 2
> uhidev4: iclass 3/0, 33 report ids
> uhid3 at uhidev4 reportid 16: input=6, output=6, feature=0
> uhid4 at uhidev4 reportid 17: input=19, output=19, feature=0
> uhid5 at uhidev4 reportid 32: input=14, output=14, feature=0
> uhid6 at uhidev4 reportid 33: input=31, output=31, feature=0
> ugen1 detached
> uhub0 detached
> uhub1 detached
> uhub2 detached
> wskbd2: disconnecting from wsdisplay0
> wskbd2 detached
> ukbd1 detached
> uhidev2 detached
> wsmouse3 detached
> ums1 detached
> uhid0 detached
> uhid1 detached
> uhid2 detached
> uhidev3 detached
> uhid3 detached
> uhid4 detached
> uhid5 detached
> uhid6 detached
> uhidev4 detached
> uhub3 detached
> uhub4 detached
> uhub5 detached
> wskbd1: disconnecting from wsdisplay0
> wskbd1 detached
> ukbd0 detached
> uhidev0 detached
> uhub8 detached
> wsmouse2 detached
> ums0 detached
> uhidev1 detached
> audio1 detached
> uaudio0 detached
> ugen0 detached
> uhub7 detached
> uhub6 detached
> uhub0 at usb2 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub1 at usb3 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub2 at usb0 "Intel EHCI root hub" rev 2.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub3 at usb4 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub4 at usb5 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub5 at usb6 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub6 at usb1 "Intel EHCI root hub" rev 2.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub7 at uhub6 port 1 "Genesys Logic USB2.0 Hub" rev 2.00/9.01 addr 2
> uhub8 at uhub7 port 1 "Genesys Logic USB2.0 Hub" rev 2.00/9.01 addr 3
> uhidev0 at uhub8 port 2 configuration 1 interface 0 "CHICONY HP Basic USB 
> Keyboard" rev 1.10/3.00 addr 4
> uhidev0: iclass 3/1
> ukbd0 at uhidev0: 8 variable keys, 6 key codes
> wskbd1 at ukbd0 mux 1
> wskbd1: connecting to wsdisplay0
> uhidev1 at uhub7 port 2 configuration 1 interface 0 "Logitech USB-PS/2 
> Optical Mouse" rev 2.00/27.20 addr 5
> uhidev1: iclass 3/1
> ums0 at uhidev1: 8 buttons, Z dir
> wsmouse2 at ums0 mux 0
> uaudio0 at uhub7 port 3 configuration 1 interface 1 "Logitech product 0x089d" 
> rev 1.10/1.00 addr 6
> uaudio0: audio rev 1.00, 3 mixer controls
> audio1 at uaudio0
> ugen0 at uhub7 port 3 configuration 1 "Logitech product 0x089d" rev 1.10/1.00 
> addr 6
> ugen1 at uhub0 port 1 "Broadcom Corp BCM2045B" rev 2.00/1.00 addr 2
> uhidev2 at uhub3 port 2 configuration 1 interface 0 "Logitech USB Receiver" 
> rev 2.00/12.01 addr 2
> uhidev2: iclass 3/1
> ukbd1 at uhidev2: 8 variable keys, 6 key codes
> wskbd2 at ukbd1 mux 1
> wskbd2: connecting to wsdisplay0
> uhidev3 at uhub3 port 2 configuration 1 interface 1 "Logitech USB Receiver" 
> rev 2.00/12.01 addr 2
> uhidev3: iclass 3/1, 8 report ids
> ums1 at uhidev3 reportid 2: 16 buttons, Z dir
> wsmouse3 at ums1 mux 0
> uhid0 at uhidev3 reportid 3: input=4, output=0, feature=0
> uhid1 at uhidev3 reportid 4: input=1, output=0, feature=0
> uhid2 at uhidev3 reportid 8: input=1, output=0, feature=0
> uhidev4 at uhub3 port 2 configuration 1 interface 2 "Logitech USB Receiver" 
> rev 2.00/12.01 addr 2
> uhidev4: iclass 3/0, 33 report ids
> uhid3 at uhidev4 reportid 16: input=6, output=6, feature=0
> uhid4 at uhidev4 reportid 17: input=19, output=19, feature=0
> uhid5 at uhidev4 reportid 32: input=14, output=14, feature=0
> uhid6 at uhidev4 reportid 33: input=31, output=31, feature=0
> acpi0: failed to allocate hibernate memory
> ugen1 detached
> uhub0 detached
> uhub1 detached
> uhub2 detached
> wskbd2: disconnecting from wsdisplay0
> wskbd2 detached
> ukbd1 detached
> uhidev2 detached
> wsmouse3 detached
> ums1 detached
> uhid0 detached
> uhid1 detached
> uhid2 detached
> uhidev3 detached
> uhid3 detached
> uhid4 detached
> uhid5 detached
> uhid6 detached
> uhidev4 detached
> uhub3 detached
> uhub4 detached
> uhub5 detached
> wskbd1: disconnecting from wsdisplay0
> wskbd1 detached
> ukbd0 detached
> uhidev0 detached
> uhub8 detached
> wsmouse2 detached
> ums0 detached
> uhidev1 detached
> audio1 detached
> uaudio0 detached
> ugen0 detached
> uhub7 detached
> uhub6 detached
> uhub0 at usb2 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub1 at usb3 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub2 at usb0 "Intel EHCI root hub" rev 2.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub3 at usb4 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub4 at usb5 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub5 at usb6 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub6 at usb1 "Intel EHCI root hub" rev 2.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub7 at uhub6 port 1 "Genesys Logic USB2.0 Hub" rev 2.00/9.01 addr 2
> uhub8 at uhub7 port 1 "Genesys Logic USB2.0 Hub" rev 2.00/9.01 addr 3
> uhidev0 at uhub8 port 2 configuration 1 interface 0 "CHICONY HP Basic USB 
> Keyboard" rev 1.10/3.00 addr 4
> uhidev0: iclass 3/1
> ukbd0 at uhidev0: 8 variable keys, 6 key codes
> wskbd1 at ukbd0 mux 1
> wskbd1: connecting to wsdisplay0
> uhidev1 at uhub7 port 2 configuration 1 interface 0 "Logitech USB-PS/2 
> Optical Mouse" rev 2.00/27.20 addr 5
> uhidev1: iclass 3/1
> ums0 at uhidev1: 8 buttons, Z dir
> wsmouse2 at ums0 mux 0
> uaudio0 at uhub7 port 3 configuration 1 interface 1 "Logitech product 0x089d" 
> rev 1.10/1.00 addr 6
> uaudio0: audio rev 1.00, 3 mixer controls
> audio1 at uaudio0
> ugen0 at uhub7 port 3 configuration 1 "Logitech product 0x089d" rev 1.10/1.00 
> addr 6
> ugen1 at uhub0 port 1 "Broadcom Corp BCM2045B" rev 2.00/1.00 addr 2
> uhidev2 at uhub3 port 2 configuration 1 interface 0 "Logitech USB Receiver" 
> rev 2.00/12.01 addr 2
> uhidev2: iclass 3/1
> ukbd1 at uhidev2: 8 variable keys, 6 key codes
> wskbd2 at ukbd1 mux 1
> wskbd2: connecting to wsdisplay0
> uhidev3 at uhub3 port 2 configuration 1 interface 1 "Logitech USB Receiver" 
> rev 2.00/12.01 addr 2
> uhidev3: iclass 3/1, 8 report ids
> ums1 at uhidev3 reportid 2: 16 buttons, Z dir
> wsmouse3 at ums1 mux 0
> uhid0 at uhidev3 reportid 3: input=4, output=0, feature=0
> uhid1 at uhidev3 reportid 4: input=1, output=0, feature=0
> uhid2 at uhidev3 reportid 8: input=1, output=0, feature=0
> uhidev4 at uhub3 port 2 configuration 1 interface 2 "Logitech USB Receiver" 
> rev 2.00/12.01 addr 2
> uhidev4: iclass 3/0, 33 report ids
> uhid3 at uhidev4 reportid 16: input=6, output=6, feature=0
> uhid4 at uhidev4 reportid 17: input=19, output=19, feature=0
> uhid5 at uhidev4 reportid 32: input=14, output=14, feature=0
> uhid6 at uhidev4 reportid 33: input=31, output=31, feature=0
> ugen1 detached
> uhub0 detached
> uhub1 detached
> uhub2 detached
> wskbd2: disconnecting from wsdisplay0
> wskbd2 detached
> ukbd1 detached
> uhidev2 detached
> wsmouse3 detached
> ums1 detached
> uhid0 detached
> uhid1 detached
> uhid2 detached
> uhidev3 detached
> uhid3 detached
> uhid4 detached
> uhid5 detached
> uhid6 detached
> uhidev4 detached
> uhub3 detached
> uhub4 detached
> uhub5 detached
> wskbd1: disconnecting from wsdisplay0
> wskbd1 detached
> ukbd0 detached
> uhidev0 detached
> uhub8 detached
> wsmouse2 detached
> ums0 detached
> uhidev1 detached
> audio1 detached
> uaudio0 detached
> ugen0 detached
> uhub7 detached
> uhub6 detached
> uhub0 at usb2 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub1 at usb3 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub2 at usb0 "Intel EHCI root hub" rev 2.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub3 at usb4 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub4 at usb5 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub5 at usb6 "Intel UHCI root hub" rev 1.00/1.00 addr 1
> uhub6 at usb1 "Intel EHCI root hub" rev 2.00/1.00 addr 1
> ugen0 at uhub0 port 1 "Broadcom Corp BCM2045B" rev 2.00/1.00 addr 2
> uhidev0 at uhub3 port 2 configuration 1 interface 0 "Logitech USB Receiver" 
> rev 2.00/12.01 addr 2
> uhidev0: iclass 3/1
> ukbd0 at uhidev0: 8 variable keys, 6 key codes
> wskbd1 at ukbd0 mux 1
> wskbd1: connecting to wsdisplay0
> uhidev1 at uhub3 port 2 configuration 1 interface 1 "Logitech USB Receiver" 
> rev 2.00/12.01 addr 2
> uhidev1: iclass 3/1, 8 report ids
> ums0 at uhidev1 reportid 2: 16 buttons, Z dir
> wsmouse2 at ums0 mux 0
> uhid0 at uhidev1 reportid 3: input=4, output=0, feature=0
> uhid1 at uhidev1 reportid 4: input=1, output=0, feature=0
> uhid2 at uhidev1 reportid 8: input=1, output=0, feature=0
> uhidev2 at uhub3 port 2 configuration 1 interface 2 "Logitech USB Receiver" 
> rev 2.00/12.01 addr 2
> uhidev2: iclass 3/0, 33 report ids
> uhid3 at uhidev2 reportid 16: input=6, output=6, feature=0
> uhid4 at uhidev2 reportid 17: input=19, output=19, feature=0
> uhid5 at uhidev2 reportid 32: input=14, output=14, feature=0
> uhid6 at uhidev2 reportid 33: input=31, output=31, feature=0
> acpi0: failed to allocate hibernate memory
> -- 
> Alessandro DE LAURENZIS
> [mailto:just22....@gmail.com]
> LinkedIn: http://it.linkedin.com/in/delaurenzis

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