On 25-4-2015 9:51, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> On 2015-04-24, Ton Muller <spatie...@online.nl> wrote:
>> my litle box works now as it should be.
>> got my DNS isue solved, got my smb working, FTP is happy.
>> so time for squid.
>> installing went well, tweaking conf was ok.
>> tweaking pf.conf was harder.
>> becouse i wanted a transperant proxy ,so nu changing all browsers and
>> machines.
>> testing with squid -d 1 -N to check if all works, opening a nc -l 3129
>> to see if trafic goes true (to lazy to check the logs, that works to)
>> nothing....
> Did you follow the pkg-readme?
uhm....no comment..
>> google was helpfull
>> # squid -v
>> Squid Cache: Version 3.4.6
>> configure options:  '--disable-strict-error-checking'
>> '--disable-arch-native' '--enable-shared'
>> '--datadir=/usr/local/share/squid'
>> '--libexecdir=/usr/local/libexec/squid' '--disable-loadable-modules'
>> '--enable-arp-acl' '--enable-auth' '--enable-delay-pools'
>> '--enable-follow-x-forwarded-for' '--enable-forw-via-db'
>> '--enable-http-violations' '--enable-icap-client' '--enable-ipv6'
>> '--enable-referer-log' '--enable-removal-policies=lru heap'
>> '--enable-ssl' '--with-openssl' '--enable-storeio=aufs ufs diskd'
>> '--with-default-user=_squid' '--with-filedescriptors=8192'
>> '--with-krb5-config=no' '--with-pidfile=/var/run/squid.pid'
>> '--with-pthreads' '--with-swapdir=/var/squid/cache'
>> '--disable-pf-transparent' '--enable-ipfw-transparent'
>> '--enable-external-acl-helpers=LDAP_group SQL_session file_userip
>> time_quota session  unix_group wbinfo_group LDAP_group
>> eDirectory_userip' '--prefix=/usr/local' '--sysconfdir=/etc/squid'
>> '--mandir=/usr/local/man' '--infodir=/usr/local/info'
>> '--localstatedir=/var/squid' '--disable-silent-rules' 'CC=cc'
>> 'CFLAGS=-O2 -pipe' 'LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/lib'
>> 'CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include' 'CXX=c++' 'CXXFLAGS=-O2 -pipe'
>> and there is was.
>> --disable-pf-transparent.
>> to get squid working in transparent mode, it has to be enabled.
> That's for an old-style setup where you give squid access to /dev/pf
> and it does a separate lookup from the state table. The other method just
> gets the address from the packet itself, it's easier/more reliable/faster. 
well, port 80 goes perfect.
but it browser now get stuck if i add https in the pf rule.
i would have to get port 80 and 443 to, think thats a squid conf isue.

i tried so many examples i found, i didnt know there was a pkg-readme ,auch.


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