
With the current snapshot on amd64 and have the following problem:
I am running httpd and php-fpm with a custom joomla (php) installation,
that crashes when I access the site with https.
Http runs fine without any problems.

With https, php-fpm spawns the max number of max children,
and then never releases them. Finally httpd throws a 500 error.

I cannot figure oy whether it is a httpd or a php-fpm problem,
but I understand the httpd webserver as s sort of proxy in front
of the fastcgi daemon. So I assume thet the problem is with httpd tls,
but I am really not sure.

Here is my setup...
installed: httpd, php-5.6, php-fpm-5.6, postgresql
manually installed from tarball: joomla 3.4.1

The first https request works fine, but (in admin mode) switching between
the menus "User Manager" and "Menu Manager" triggers the error.

my php-fpm.conf settings (I also used higher values, but this made no 

pm = dynamic
pm.max_children = 20
pm.start_servers = 15
pm.min_spare_servers = 10
pm.max_spare_servers = 20

php-fpm spawns children gradually and then it is running permanently with the 
max children.
Here are the logs from (/usr/local/sbin/php-fpm-5.6 -F -O)

[06-May-2015 11:18:49.940744] DEBUG: pid 7845, 
fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool www] currently 20 
active children, 0 spare children, 20 running children. Spawning rate 1
[06-May-2015 11:18:50.950807] DEBUG: pid 7845, 
fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool www] currently 20 
active children, 0 spare children, 20 running children. Spawning rate 1
[06-May-2015 11:18:51.960904] DEBUG: pid 7845, 
fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool www] currently 20 
active children, 0 spare children, 20 running children. Spawning rate 1
[06-May-2015 11:18:52.970830] DEBUG: pid 7845, 
fpm_pctl_perform_idle_server_maintenance(), line 379: [pool www] currently 20 
active children, 0 spare children, 20 running children. Spawning rate 1

my httpd.conf settings:

server "jo1.example.com" {
        listen on * port 80
        listen on * tls port 443

        tls key "/etc/ssl/private/jo1.example.com.key"
        tls certificate "/etc/ssl/jo1.example.com.crt"

        # Set max upload size to 513M (in bytes)
        connection max request body 537919488

        root "/jo1"

        directory { no auto index, index "index.php" }

        # Any other PHP file
        location "*.php" {
                fastcgi socket "/run/php-fpm.sock"

Here are the last log messages from httpd (httpd -d -vvv)

server jo1.example.com, client 3 (5 active), <ip>:42380 -> <ip>:443, Connection 
refused (500 Internal Server Error)
server jo1.example.com, client 6 (2 active), <ip>:48145 -> <ip>, done
server jo1.example.com, client 4 (6 active), <ip>:48128 -> <ip>, done
server jo1.example.com, client 8 (5 active), <ip>:48142 -> <ip>, done
server jo1.example.com, client 9 (4 active), <ip>:48143 -> <ip>, done
server jo1.example.com, client 6 (4 active), <ip>:48137 -> <ip>, done
server jo1.example.com, client 5 (3 active), <ip>:48135 -> <ip>, done
jo1.example.com <ip> - - [06/May/2015:11:20:44 +0200] "<UNKNOWN> " 400 0
server jo1.example.com, client 2 (3 active), <ip>:42379 -> <ip>:443, bad 
request (400 Bad Request)
jo1.example.com <ip> - - [06/May/2015:11:20:44 +0200] "<UNKNOWN> " 400 0
server jo1.example.com, client 1 (2 active), <ip>:42376 -> <ip>:443, bad 
request (400 Bad Request)
jo1.example.com <ip> - - [06/May/2015:11:20:44 +0200] "<UNKNOWN> " 400 0
server jo1.example.com, client 10 (1 active), <ip>:42402 -> <ip>:443, bad 
request (400 Bad Request)
jo1.example.com <ip> - - [06/May/2015:11:20:44 +0200] "<UNKNOWN> " 400 0
server jo1.example.com, client 1 (1 active), <ip>:42377 -> <ip>:443, bad 
request (400 Bad Request)
jo1.example.com <ip> - - [06/May/2015:11:20:44 +0200] "<UNKNOWN> " 400 0
server jo1.example.com, client 1 (2 active), <ip>:42375 -> <ip>:443, bad 
request (400 Bad Request)
jo1.example.com <ip> - - [06/May/2015:11:20:44 +0200] "<UNKNOWN> " 400 0
server jo1.example.com, client 2 (1 active), <ip>:42378 -> <ip>:443, bad 
request (400 Bad Request)

I am quite new to OpenBSD so an tips are appreciated how I can get more logs or 
find the cause of the problem.


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