I'll give you the fish while teaching how to fish, OK? :)

On Wed, May 06, 2015 at 11:26:38AM +0000, elvis wrote:
| Hi guys I'd like to know the size of the whole packages.. In
| particular for the i386 architecture. I really don't know where to
| get this info.! 

[weerd@despair] $ lftp ftp://ftp.eu.openbsd.org
lftp ftp.eu.openbsd.org:~> cd pub/OpenBSD/snapshots/packages
cd ok, cwd=/pub/OpenBSD/snapshots/packages           
lftp ftp.eu.openbsd.org:/pub/OpenBSD/snapshots/packages> du -sh i386/
28G     i386/                                                         

Happy fishing.

Paul 'WEiRD' de Weerd


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