
for around 10 years I build a custom cd bootable version of OpenBSD.
The project was started with OpenBSD 3.4 and is updated with each
OpenBSD release. 

Basically I take the GERNERIC kernel configuration and change
config          bsd     swap generic
config          bsd     root on rd0a

And I also add:
option          RAMDISK_HOOKS
option          MINIROOTSIZE=4480
pseudo-device   rd              1

The rest are changes to the ramdisk configuration. I added mount_mfs
to the ramdisk and some scripts to boot from cd.

Starting with OpenBSD 5.7 I cannot build a bootable kernel and
I don't know why. The kernel build itself shows no errors, but
when I boot from CD I get:

Booting from DVD/CD...
Loading /CDBOOT
probing: pc0 com0 mem[639K 698; a20=on]
disk: hd0+ cd0
>> OpenBSD/amd64 CDBOOT 3.23
cannot open cd0a:/etc/random.seed: No such file or directory
booting cd0a:/bsd.gz: 5798084+2048752+2532360+0+589824=0xa782d8
entry point at 0x1000160 [7205c766, 34000004, 24448b12, 1080a304]
== At this point the system reboots. No further messages. 

Booting with -c results also in a reboot.

Then I took the RAMDISK_CD configuration and added "option MFS".
This time the kernel boots with the customised ramdisk, but
the RAMDISK_CD lacks some features like the pf firewall. Adding
more features to the RAMDISK_CD configuration I cannot compile
the kernel anymore.

So the question is what can I do to find out the cause of the problem
or maybe someone has already a clue what the problem is.



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