On 12/06/15 18:11, Joel Sing wrote:
On Saturday 13 June 2015, Joel Sing wrote:
On Friday 12 June 2015, Noth wrote:
Hi misc@

    I've got a couple of softraid 1 volumes on a server and the /home one
was filling up a bit too much so I had to delete a bunch of isos and
other non necessary items. I did this yesterday and it still hasn't
cleared the disk space completely yet:

# bioctl -ih sd2
Volume      Status               Size Device
softraid0 0 Online               910G sd2     RAID1
            0 Online               910G 0:0.0   noencl <sd0d>
            1 Online               910G 0:1.0   noencl <sd1d>

# df -kh
Filesystem     Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/sd3a     19.7G    5.6G   13.0G    30%    /
/dev/sd2a      906G    859G    1.2G   100%    /home

/home # du -sh
782G    .

So there's a rather large disparity there! I've tried issuing sync
commands a few times over the past 24 hours but to no avail :
This has nothing to do with softraid - softraid is just a virtual HBA that
provides a SCSI block device, which you've then put a (presumably FFS) file
system on top of.
Okay, I'll soften this slightly - if you are actually using softdeps you may
be encountering an issue with softraid that is slowing/delaying the
background processing... I'll see if I can reproduce it here once you

Is there any solution to this apart from waiting for days on end?
You did not actually give the output from mount(8), however I'm going to
guess - stop using softdeps?

That mail didn't make it through for some reason. Here's the mount -v :

/dev/sd2a on /home type ffs (rw, NFS exported, local, nodev, nosuid, softdep, ctime=Thu Jun 11 23:51:13 2015)

Also this partition is shared via NFS, SMBFS & AFP . I tried last night turning all of those off and issueing sync multiples times to no avail. I ended up rebooting but that's not a workable solution. Let me try remounting without softdeps and running the 1G file test again (that did clear... after 20 mins).

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