On 06/27/15 09:12, Wong Peter wrote:
> Dear All,
> I had installed Snort but cannot run it.
> Error Message: Can't load library liblzma.s0.2.0
> What need to install? I had install the lzlib but still cannot solved it.
> Which packages need to install or how to tell snort to look up the shared
> library?
try xz, it should have been installed with snort, current version does
include the dependency.
For 5.7 the dependency is missing.

$ pkg_info -Sq snort
$ pkg_info -f xz | grep lzma.so
@lib lib/liblzma.so.2.1

The pkglocatedb package should help to find any missing packages...

$ pkg_locate lzma.so.2

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