Constantine A. Murenin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Does anyone have any news on VIA C7, or VIA EPIA platform in general?

The C7 (Esther) looks like a wet dream for an IPsec gateway, but I
can't find any evidence that it actually exists.  Apart from VIAs
pages, a web search only turns up press reports (regurgitated VIA
news releases), repeated since May of this year, claiming that the
C7 is available now and production is ramping up.  I cannot find
any product incorporating a C7 and suspiciously enough even VIA
doesn't offer a board with it.

I'm vaguely looking for a smallish replacement for my home gateway,
which has three legs (WAN, LAN, WLAN) and--here comes the killer--I
expect it to be able to run IPsec at full WLAN speed.  This either
requires hardware crypto support or a sufficiently powerful CPU
(i.e., a full-blown laptop or desktop CPU).  The available C3s look
too enemic; either they are old cores that have no crypto support
at all, or they are Nehemiahs with AES but no SHA1.

The hardware crypto situation looks dire, too. has stopped
selling the hifn(4) Soekris cards because of reliability issues and
I can't find any other maker that actually sells supported crypto
cards to the plebs.

(So far the most sensible suggestion I received was to just pick
up a refurbished Pentium-III desktop.)

If there is equipment on the market that I've missed, I'd like to

Christian "naddy" Weisgerber                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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