> On Jun 28, 2015, at 18:35, Philip Guenther <guent...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 28, 2015 at 4:27 PM, Chris Bennett
> <chrisbenn...@bennettconstruction.us> wrote:
>> On Mon, Jun 29, 2015 at 12:56:04AM +0200, nerv wrote:
>>> On Sun, 28 Jun 2015 17:39:18 -0500
>>> Chris Bennett <chrisbenn...@bennettconstruction.us> wrote:
>>>> I had 4 different hardrives that were failing.
>>>> I bought a 2TB usb drive to back up all the home folders.
>>>> I now would like to cp all of the folders and files to another empty
>>>> partition.
>>>> But I don't want to overwrite any files with same name but different
>>>> content.
>>>> For example:
>>>> /homeX/index.html to /homePerfect
>>>> /homeY/index.html to /homePerfect
>>>> both have same name but different contents.
>>>> I googled but couldn't find any solutions.
>>>> Ideally I would like a list of failed file copies.
>>>> Any ideas or scripts or ports?
>>>> Browsing through 4 home folders is a nightmare.
>>>> Chris Bennett
>>> If you can't find a switch for cp you may have an easier time using
>>> rsync, but I'm not too familiar with it so I couldn't tell you
>>> what switches to use (It may be able to natively do what you're asking
>>> however).
>>> Writing a script for it using cp should be quite easy, for each of the
>>> partition have the script recursively go into all folders and copy the
>>> files after verifying if the name already exists in the target
>>> partition. If it does, compare checksums,
>>> same checksum : do nothing and go to the next file,
>>> different checksum : copy and append a number to its name (or append to
>>> it a name for the source partition).
>> I looked at rsync and cp and gnu cp.
>> noclobber just won't do what I want.
>> Using checksums seems like a good part of the answer, but name changing
>> would be very complicated. I have everything read-only except for
>> regular /home, /var, / and /tmp. I do some of my programming in /home
>> folder and I also have many html files. I already wrote software to
>> change file contents to new values, but that adds even more
>> complications for both of those areas.
>> And I want to do this for 4 home folders!!???
> IMO, you're over thinking it.
> Step 1) GET THE DATA OFF THE FAILING DRIVES.  Doing *anything* before
> that's done means you *want* to lose data.
> Step 2) okay, *now* that the data is safe, compare files between trees
> and delete duplicates
> Note that trying to dedup as it's copied will probably *increase* the
> number of times the data has to be read and thus increase the chance
> of lost data.
> Philip Guenther

Agreed. Save your data first then merge.

rsync (pkgs) will help you with both steps:

For initial save:
# -a preserves dates, time and permissions
# -H preserves hard links <- can be memory intensive
# -v if you want to see each file by name
# --progress to see name + ETA
rsync -aH /mnt/failing_w/homes/ /mnt/2tb/w/
rsync -aH /mnt/failing_x/homes/ /mnt/2tb/x/
rsync -aH /mnt/failing_y/homes/ /mnt/2tb/y/
rsync -aH /mnt/failing_z/homes/ /mnt/2tb/z/

rsync-ing with the --backup --backup-suffix options will backup
existing files into the same directory before copying changed.

Following is an example. I recommend reading the rsync man
page to understand the options first.

# disk w archive
rsync -aH /mnt/2tb/w/ /mnt/2tb/merged/

# disk x archive
# -b == --backup
# -c == --checksum
# set a backup suffix that means something to you and change
# it for each drive
rsync -aHcb /mnt/2tb/w/ /mnt/2tb/merged/ --backup-suffix=_x_sync.bak

Repeat changing disk and backup-suffix.

Another option is to just use --dry-run to see the differences.

rsync -aH /mnt/2tb/w/ /mnt/2tb/merged/

rsync -aHcv /mnt/2tb/x/ /mnt/2tb/merged/ --dry-run

Using --dry-run alone shows what has changed or been added.
Add --delete to see what doesn't exist as well.

rsync -aHcv /mnt/2tb/x/ /mnt/2tb/merged/ --dry-run --delete


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