On 7/9/15, Tor Houghton <t...@bogus.net> wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 08, 2015 at 10:04:27PM -0500, Theodore Wynnychenko wrote:
>> [snip]
>> server https://server2.tldn.com, client 2067 (63 active),
>> ->
>>, buffer event error
>> [..]
>> server https://server2.tldn.com, client 2068 (63 active),
>> ->
>>, buffer event error
> I'm going to "me too" on this one (have not been until now, as I thought
> perhaps it was due to my setup, and therefore off-topic).
> I run several OpenBSD guests on VirtualBox, and have been for years without
> any problem (for my use). Since moving to httpd (from apache), I've also
> noticed the buffer event errors. In my case, it's not just httpd that
> hangs,
> but the guest itself, with its corresponding VirtualBox process on the host
> pegging the cpu.
> I've also seen
> httpd[7197]: server_accept_tls: TLS accept failed - (null)
> But this appears to be related to clients not completing / attempting
> proper
> TLS connections (tcpdumps verify this).
> I shall endeavour to effort into obtaining som guest debugging information
> if anyone is interested.
> Tor

Possibly related? http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-bugs&m=143370643301193&w=4
After the patch in that thread to fix large file transfers I was
seeing TLS issues pretty quickly. Wound up hopping back to Apache
until I could take another look on current which just hasn't happened
yet. 'buffer event error' and 'TLS accept failed' are definitely
ringing some bells here.

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