Hello Robert,

Wednesday, December 21, 2005, 4:20:28 PM, you wrote:

RCW> Would adding the line:

RCW> supercede domain-name-servers "dns.IP.address.1 dns.IP.address.2";

RCW> ...do the job of hardcoding:

RCW> nameserver dns.IP.address.1
RCW> nameserver dns.IP.address.2

RCW> ...into the 'resolv.conf' file?

Answering my own question...

the syntax and corrected spelling that works for this, is:

supersede domain-name-servers dns.IP.address.1, dns.IP.address.2;

Works great... but still does not address why a kludge is needed,
which I now will get to work figuring out.

TU>> You should however check, why you get wrong values from your
TU>> router.

I have given this some thought... since the same value... which is the internal IP value on the modem/router, is
the same value that is passed to Red Hat, and Windows, and works for
them, I do not thing the value is 'wrong'... and since it also works
with OpenBSD, but with about a 60 second delay (like something times
out, and then defaults to a secondary (else) behaviour, which does

...I suspect that I have something else set wrong, for when I
installed the operating system, and when I eventually, using trial and
error, on one thing at a time, get lucky and change the right
variable, I will be able to remove the hard-coded DNS IP's from
dhclient.conf, and things will run smoothly.

At least now, I can use the machine with Internet access, while I
figure out the right configuration.

-wittig http://www.robertwittig.com/

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