> 9 июля 2015 г., в 17:14, Giancarlo Razzolini <grazzol...@gmail.com> 
> написал(а):
> Em 09-07-2015 02:27, lausg...@gmail.com escreveu:
>> Thank you for the answer! Indeed its a more correct approach.
>> Is there a simple way to teach (any openbsd compliant) dhcp client to use 
>> mpath? Also not sure whether it will work in this 
>> case:http://www.rinta-aho.org/blog/?p=214
> I don't recall if the openbsd base dhclient have it, but you could possibly 
> use some that is on ports and make it not add the default routes. And, you 
> could make it call a script that creates them. They need to be created with 
> the -mpath modifier anyway.
> Cheers,
> Giancarlo Razzolini

Ok, so isc-dhclient + dhclient-script with this modification 
http://www.rinta-aho.org/docs/openbsd-pf/dhclient-script.patch supplied to it + 
route-to rules used like in http://www.rinta-aho.org/docs/openbsd-pf/pf.conf do 
However round-robin http://www.openbsd.org/faq/pf/pools.html#outgoing 
construction doesn't work for this case.
Rule like
"pass in on lan inet from lan:network to !lan:0 route-to { (cnmac1 
<gw_cnmac1>), (cnmac2 <gw_cnmac2>) } round-robin"
fails with
"multiple tables or dynamic interfaces not supported for translation or routing"
and I don't know other way of dynamic passing of gateways from dhclient to pf 
for this rule without usage of multiple tables.

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