On Fri, Jul 24, 2015 at 02:09:53AM +0900, Tuyosi Takesima wrote:
> thanks for Denis
> |Tell me if I'm wrong but you don't listen on port 25 or 465.
> your advise is great !
> /etc/mail/smtpd.conf      is rewriten .
> listen on lo0
> listen on em0 port 25    <-----------------to recieve mail from gmx
> listen on em0 port 465  <-----------------to recieve mail from gmail
> table aliases db:/etc/mail/aliases.db
> accept from any         for domain "aoiXXX.mydns.jp"   alias <aliases>
> deliver to maildir
> accept from any         for domain "aoiXXX.mydns.jp"
> deliver to maildir
> accept for local                                        alias <aliases>
> deliver to maildir
> accept for local
> deliver to maildir
> reject from any for any
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> then  i can get mails from x...@gmail.com & x...@gmx.com .
> but    i cannot send mails to x...@gmail.com & x...@gmx.com .
> but this is great progress .

Jumping in to put an end to this thread:

Let's look at what you want to do:

      send mail to @gmail.com & @gmx.de

Then, let's check if your ruleset has any rule matching these:

         accept from any for domain "aoiXXX.mydns.jp" [...] - no
         accept from any for domain "aoiXXX.mydns.jp" [...] - no
         accept for local [...] - no
         accept for local [...] - no
         reject from any for any - yes

Your ruleset doesn't allow for your own users to send mail to anything
but your local domains.

You need a rule that states:

    accept from local for any relay

It needs to be at the bottom of your config, right where you added this
reject rule (which serves no purpose btw since this is the default).

Gilles Chehade

https://www.poolp.org                                          @poolpOrg

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