On Fri, Jul 31, 2015 at 03:14:44PM +0200, Hikari Boulders wrote:
> Yes, this is resolved. But isn't it still an inconsistency with the line
>   The last matching rule determines the action taken.
> from doas.conf(5)? It seems to me that if you specify a line permitting as
> any user, and *later* specify a user, that it is still written a little too
> vague.

Sorry, I don't quite follow what you're saying.  Could you please
provide a config file that leads to said unexpected behavior?

It seems that you talk about something like the following doas.conf

--- 8< ---
# allow theo to do everything as every user without password
permit nopass theo
# except using /usr/bin/touch as builder
deny theo as builder cmd /usr/bin/touch
# except that he can touch /tmp/bar upon entering his password
permit theo as builder cmd /usr/bin/touch args /tmp/bar
--- >8 ---

$ doas -u builder /usr/bin/touch /tmp/foo       # rule 2 applies
Permission denied
$ doas -u builder /usr/bin/touch /tmp/bar       # rule 3 applies
$ doas -u builder /bin/ls -l /tmp               # rule 1 applies
-rw-r--r--  1 builder  wheel     0 Jul 31 20:45 bar

Without the second rule, the behavior is consistent with the manual as

--- 8< ---
permit nopass theo
permit theo as builder cmd /usr/bin/touch args /tmp/bar
--- >8 ---

$ doas -u builder /usr/bin/touch /tmp/foo       # rule 1 applies
$ doas -u builder /usr/bin/touch /tmp/bar       # rule 2 applies

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