Exactly. Probably ps -l (or maybe install and use pstree). Do you get
new processes with sshd as a parent?

I never get that. When ssh-ing into another machine I just get a single ssh
process that's a direct child of the bash for that tty, there's never an
sshd anywhere.

When you use ps -l you will only see processes with a controlling

This assumes I'm running ps without any command line arguments.

But the PPID column relates each process to its parent
process. If you start at any arbitrary process and trace back to its
parent, and then to that process's parent, you will eventually find a
PPID for a process that did not show up in ps -l. That will probably
be the process id of sshd.

I know how ps works :)

On OSX, an outbound ssh connection spawns a single 'ssh' process, which is a child of bash. bash is a child of login. login is a child of Terminal. Terminal is a child of the launchd process for my account. That launchd process is a child of the master launchd process, PID 1. The (abbreviated) output of ps looks like this:

  ?? root   root      0    1 launchd
  ?? Quartz Quartz    1  208 launchd
  ?? Quartz Quartz  208  241 Terminal
s000 root   Quartz  241  246 login
s000 Quartz Quartz  246  249 -bash
s000 Quartz Quartz  249 3212 ssh

On OSX, "sshd" is the receiving server side of the ssh connection. It only runs when I have an ssh connection INTO my machine, not when I'm connecting to someone else. The only other ssh related process is "ssh-agent", but that's always running no matter what.

Or: ps -lx | grep 'ssh[d]'

Not sure what OS / version of grep you're using. On OSX this yields no output even when ssh processes are running. If I shorten the regex to just 'ssh' I see the ssh process and ssh-agent which I mentioned above.

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