Em 17-08-2015 17:05, Claus Lensbøl escreveu:
> Ok, I'll try it out tomorrow and return with results. Thank you for now.

I was re-reading your e-mail and the following come to my attention:

# ping6 fe02::1%vlan710
ping6: no address associated with name

Do you have a link-local address on that vlan interface? If not, then it
might not be a firewall problem, after all. Also, when I said for you to
allow the entire link-local range, I meant to allow then to perform
router solicitation and DHCPv6 requests. Do not allow everything from
link-local. Also, you can enforce a boundary by dropping NDP messages
(rtsol, rtadvd, neighrsol, etc) that do not have a hop limit of 255. See
[0]. By the way, it is equally important, specially for machines that
have IPv6 global addresses, that they also have a firewall enabled.
Remember, IPv6, by default, do not have edges anymore. So, unless told
otherwise, your OpenBSD firewall will happily route any incoming packets
directly to their intended destination. Keep that in mind when writing
your ruleset.

Giancarlo Razzolini

[0] https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4861

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