On August 28, 2015 2:36:38 AM GMT+02:00, T B <phreakoci...@gmail.com> wrote:
>Resurrecting this not-too-old thread.  You might find this one useful
>you run CARP firewalls which gives you a dynamic prompt telling you the
>master/backup/other status.
>function fwStatus {
>        IFCONFIG=`ifconfig -a | grep carp:`
>        NUMCARPS=`echo "$IFCONFIG" | wc -l`
>        BACKUPCARPS=`echo "$IFCONFIG" | grep 'carp: BACKUP' | wc -l`
>        MASTERCARPS=`echo "$IFCONFIG" | grep 'carp: MASTER' | wc -l`
>        if [[ "$MASTERCARPS" == "$NUMCARPS" ]]; then
>                printf master
>        elif [[ "$BACKUPCARPS" == "$NUMCARPS" ]]; then
>                printf backup
>        else
>                printf other
>        fi

I'm pretty sure this messes up $? at the prompt. Try:

    echo $?

You could circumvent this by saving $? at the beginning of the function and 
returning it at the end. 


>HOSTNAME=`hostname -s`
>PS1='${USER}@${HOSTNAME}:${PWD} ($(fwStatus)) $ '
>On Wed, Aug 5, 2015 at 1:43 AM, Sean Kamath <kam...@moltingpenguin.com>
>> On Aug 2, 2015, at 8:49 AM, li...@wrant.com wrote:
>> >> never
>> >> thought of using a shell function in .profile till I read this
>> >
>> > ...
>> >
>> > Functions has always been impressive once you move past the alias
>> > shortcomings (can't handle arguments etc), so also worth a read the
>> > "Functions" section.
>> Functions have been amazingly useful and impressive for a very long
>> They are also not limited to ksh.  In fact, my introduction to this
>> useful aspect of shell programming was from Sun's rcS script, which
>> this:
>> # Simulates cat in sh so it doesn't need to be on the root
>> #
>> shcat() {
>>         while [ $# -ge 1 ]; do
>>                 while read i; do
>>                         echo "$i"
>>                 done < $1
>>                 shift
>>         done
>> }
>> There have been times when I've been on systems in single user mode
>> without filesystems, and knowing how to do some things we typically
>> external programs for in the shell can be a lifesaver, like "echo *"
>as a
>> poor man's "ls".
>> If your directory isn't *that* large, 'for i in *;  do echo $i; done
>| wc
>> -l' works well.  Well, for some definition of 'well'.
>> My point is that shell functions allow you to do some fairly complex
>> stuff, and if you're careful, you can avoid execs.  There are places
>> shell forks, however.  It can be a fun exercise to find them with
>> tools. :-)
>> Sean

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