On Fri, Sep 4, 2015 at 18:22:48,
 Chris Cappuccio [ch...@nmedia.net] wrote:

 > So, the tree won't develop support for this standard until UEFI
 > systems require it. Alternately, if someone writes it ahead of
 > time, maybe that will be useful. (Useful in making it easier to
 > boot OpenBSD without disabling secure boot in your BIOS, or useful
 > in allowing a vendor to lock their proprietary hardware to their
 > own signed openBSD loader, etc...)

 > Since the purpose of Secure Boot provide little to no benefit to
 > users (in fact quite the opposite), the question becomes.... why?

 Makes sense, thanks for the insight Chris.

 "Secure Boot" appears to be a double edged sword at best.


         Gerald Hanuer

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