.. i was wondering before, why *bin/factor is in games, now i get it.
Very nice observation!

Another factor game fake primes:

18446744073709551503 == 2^64 - 113 == 119026343 * 154980348121
18446744073709551499 == 2^64 - 117 == 363269 * 50779846542671
18446744073709551491 == 2^64 - 125 == 315781601 * 58416145891
18446744073709551461 == 2^64 - 155 == 76511 * 241099241595451
i like this one:

18446744073709551043 == 2^64 - 573 == 83401 * 95279 * 2321406917


> ... is the greatest composite OpenBSD prime.
> $ /usr/games/factor $n

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