On Sat, Sep 12, 2015 at 03:09:54PM +0200, Martin Pieuchot wrote:
> > > Interesting, the previous report I had with similar symptoms was about a
> > > machine using nested NFS mounts from two different servers.
> > 
> >     Well, i don't think it's nfs related. Also a ping, nfs, sftp
> >     transfer stalls/hangs for 1-2 seconds + (and that's really weird)
> >     the clock is minutes behind within few hours though ntp is running.
> Is it with the new kernel or did you saw that previously?

        Sorry...missed that one. With the kernel+your diff from 17 hours ago
        i had no issues at all, but as the error showed up between 5-48 hours
        after reboot, i'll have to wait to make sure everything works normally.

Mark Patruck ( mark at wrapped.cx )
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