Hey Anthony,

----- Original Message -----
> From: "Anthony J. Bentley" <anth...@anjbe.name>
> To: "Rob Pierce" <r...@2keys.ca>
> Cc: "misc" <misc@openbsd.org>
> Sent: Saturday, September 12, 2015 12:26:04 AM
> Subject: Re: Question about quotation rules

> Hi Rob,
> Rob Pierce writes:
>> Good evening,
>> Is there a written/unwritten rule for using quotation marks? Do man pages and
>>  web pages follow the same rules?
>> When would I use 'this', "this", `this', ``this'', “this“, etc.?
> Generally:
> In manuals, use .Dq and .Sq for double and single quotes.
> In www, use " and '.
> There are some other macros in mdoc(7) that generate quote marks (.Qq
> and friends), when you specifically need straight quotes (e.g., code
> listings) and can't just type " directly (e.g., on a macro line).
> For personal webpages I use UTF-8 quotes (U+2019/A, U+201C/D) directly.
> But for pages with many authors, like www.openbsd.org, it's best to go
> with what's simple and works: " and '. Keep the burden on authors light.
> The text is what's important.
> `` '' is an artifact. The only place they look balanced is on the console
> and in troff's PDF output. Everywhere else (such as the xterm and firefox
> defaults) has displayed this unbalanced for years. " looks better and is
> easier to type.
> --
> Anthony J. Bentley

Great - that is the guidance I was looking for. Thanks!

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