On Thu, Sep 17, 2015 at 02:03:01AM BST, Research wrote:

> Hello,


> I am currently having issues compiling BIND 9.10.3 (released by ISC
> this week to correct for DoS vulnerabilities), on my OpenBSD 5.7
> test machine.  I am running the OpenBSD 5.7 release build with the
> 14 errata patches successfully applied and with the userland also
> rebuilt. [...] It appears to be failing while building in lib/samples
> and is seeing undefined references to BN_GENCB functions.
> I am almost 100% certain this is something that I’ve overlooked.  I
> am wondering (guessing ?), if it is referring to something in OpenSSL
> that is not in LibreSSL and that is why it is failing ?

Yes, it appears to be OpenSSL-related[0].

Check the ports tree[0] for the patches which Stuart added to HEAD and
see whether the port would built cleanly on 5.7.

Rule of thumb - if there's a port in OpenBSD tree, you might be better
of consulting ports@.



P.S. BTW, security patches for bind-9.10.2-P4 in the OPENBSD_5_7 branch
are from 2nd September.

[0] https://marc.info/?l=openbsd-ports-cvs&m=144241734102813
[1] http://cvsweb.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb/ports/net/isc-bind/

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