On 2015 Sep 21 (Mon) at 09:37:11 -0400 (-0400), Quartz wrote:
:>>I took that to mean:
:>>1) run (presumably as root) 'time sh /etc/rc shutdown'
:>>2) check 'ps -aux' to see what's still running
:>>3) 'kill -HUP [PID]' for each of the remaining processes
:>>4) check 'ps -aux' again
:>>5) 'kill -TERM [PID]' for each of the remaining processes
:>>6) check 'ps -aux' again
:>Yes.  Perhaps it isn't clear that I would *expect* stuff to still be
:>running at step 4, and thus for shutdown like this to take at least 5
:>If the next step, the one you didn't describe the results of, killing
:>daemons with SIGTERM,
:OK, maybe this is where the communication gap is. Sending HUP to sshd and
:syslogd and everything was effectively a no-op since they'd all just
:immediately restart. I looped between (3) and (4) for a bit then gave up. I
:assumed I was doing something wrong when by this point the state of the
:system was identical to (0).

The two daemons you refer to, treat SIGHUP as a "please re-read your
configuration files and restart".  This is semi-common.  This happens to
also be the two daemons you are testing this with, causing some confusino.

Almost all signals can be caught and the default behaviour is changed.
Check the man page for signal(3) for some more information.

:Just to be doubly clear, is it expected behavior that at (4) everything will
:still be running?

Not everything, but some things will still be running.

:(In the mean time, I'll try continuing on through (6) anyway and see what

After running commands #1, #3 and #5; almost everything should be
killed.  Command #1 should take care of the vast majority of daemons
started at boot; #3 and #5 are to catch the ones that aren't.  

If you keep anything long enough, you can throw it away.

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