Thank you, Dan, Ben, and Frank. I see that I have left out some
important information:

user2 is specified as a non-login class of user in /etc/login.conf,
auth=reject: shell=/sbin/nologin, and has a default shell of
/sbin/nologin in /etc/passwd .

On Tue, Sep 22, 2015 at 5:41 PM, Joel Rees <> wrote:
> I have this rule in doas.conf:
>     permit nopass user1 as user2
> As user1, I try this at the command line:
>     doas -u user2 whoami
> and it tells me I am user2, as I expect. And
>    doas -u user2 ls
> tells me I don't have permission. I kind of expect this.
> I'm looking for a way to do the equivalent of
>     sudo -u user2 -s "cd; ls"
> I don't see a way to do this with doas, at least not without a short
> intermediary script, which script is not going to be able to do cd ~/.
> Should I assume that doas is not intended to do this sort of thing?

With this intermediary script:

    #! /bin/sh
    export USER=user2
    . /etc/ksh.kshrc

I get

    ls: .: Permission denied

Which, I guess, does surprise me.

> (And therefore [I should] do things "right" by setting up ssh with public-key
> authentication to do the user switch?)

Which would also require enabling login for user2. (I tried this
without thinking yesterday.)

> (Or go all out and set up chroot to run an instance of X11 and firefox? ;-/
> )

Would this also require enabling login?

Joel Rees

Be careful when you look at conspiracy.
Arm yourself with knowledge of yourself, as well:

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