On 2015-09-24 Thu 14:42 PM |, Benny Lofgren wrote:
> I've used one of the inetd "trivial services" (echo, discard, chargen,
> daytime or time) for this purpose, in combination with a couple of PF
> rules. Something like this:
> match in log on egress from any to <my_unused_ips> tag honeypot
> pass in log tagged honeypot rdr-to port echo keep state \
>   (max-src-conn-rate 1/30, overload <badguyshoneypot> flush global)

Ahhh! Cunning plan Benny.

I shall play...

> PS. Who named unlistened-to ports "zombies" anyway?


It is only the great men who are truly obscene.
If they had not dared to be obscene,
they could never have dared to be great.
                -- Havelock Ellis

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