
I’m a little stuck getting two different clients connected to my OpenBSD
5.7 (i386) VPN ikev2 server.  I suspect the clients are at fault as I can
get past the error when connecting one OpenBSDs iked to another iked.

FWIW the clients are both Apple, one IOS 9.1 device and one OSX 10.11.1
laptop, so I’m a little stuck with the VPN client I can use.

I have the following configuration:

ikev2 "road_warrior" passive esp \
    from to \
    local peer any \
    ikesa enc aes-128 prf hmac-sha2-256 \ 
    auth hmac-sha2-256 group modp2048 \
    childsa enc aes-128 auth hmac-sha2-256 \
    srcid "local.example.net \
    dstid "peer.example.net" \
    config address \
    config netmask \
    config name-server \
    config protected-subnet

(IPs and names have been changed to protect the innocent)

I have keys installed as follows:


I believe the client isn’t sending the certificate request, but I
could be completely wrong, the error appears to be:

ikev2_sa_negotiate: score 4
sa_stateflags: 0x18 -> 0x18 authvalid,sa (required 0x1f 
sa_stateok: VALID flags 0x18, require 0x1f cert,certvalid,auth,authvalid,sa
sa_state: cannot switch: AUTH_SUCCESS -> VALID
config_free_proposals: free 0x77286c80
ca_getreq: no valid local certificate found

The client is sending peer.example.net.crt to the server, which gets
validated correctly:

ca_validate_cert: /C=UK/L=London/O=Example Net/CN=peer.example.net ok
ikev2_dispatch_cert: peer certificate is valid
sa_stateflags: 0x1c -> 0x1e certvalid,auth,authvalid,sa (required 0x1f 

I’ve been at this for a number of days and am completely stuck, so if
anyone has any ideas/advice/clue-sticks I’d be very grateful.  If you
need any further log information please let me know.



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