On 2015-10-20 07:55, Nick Holland wrote:

But still -- remember what developers ask for most often: a good problem
report: panic message, trace and ps output, a dmesg and info about how
to repeat the problem.  If people would reliably provide that, they'd
make developers very very happy.

Not being a coder, I hesitate to say this, but I don't recall anyone
being asked for a system core dump by a developer.  (my statement is
accurate: I don't recall. The conclusions you draw may or may not be :)

One of the nice things about having a successful savecore(8) is that
the captured dump can provide all the critical bits.  So dumps are very
useful to have. Tools like ps(1) and dmesg(8) have -N and -M options for
post-mortem analysis.

The crash(8) man page has been extremely helpful to me over the years. And, there's
also very helpful guidance in FAQ 2.4.

I've never sent anyone a crash dump, but I've certainly pulled info
from them to make a dish of copypasta.

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