On 2015-10-29, Harald Dunkel <harald.dun...@aixigo.de> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I had several system freezes of our 2 Shuttle DS87 hosts
> running 5.8. Sometimes the host is up for a week without
> problems, but I have also seen 3 freezes on one day.
> The serial console doesn't give a hint about what goes
> wrong. I have built 5.8 with -g now to create a crash
> dump for a bug report on the next failure (hoping this
> break thing works with my console server).

You'll need ddb.console=1 in sysctl.conf and reboot if you don't have
it already (it needs changing before securelevel is set). Test it before
the system hangs otherwise you won't be able to distinguish between BREAK
not working and the OS not being able to enter DDB.

A trick if your console server can't send BREAK: set the speed to 300 baud
and send ^A. (BREAK is just the tx line being held at 0 for longer than
it would take to send a normal frame).

> Since both hosts are affected and since 5.7 was fine
> (AFAICR) it appears to me to be a software issue. I just
> wonder if anybody experienced the same problem?

What software do the systems run?

Are they pingable when they hang?

> [demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type text/x-log which had a name of 
> dmesg.log]

This list doesn't aaccept attachments, please send it in-line.

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