Hi all,

I was asking myself, after uslessly querying the internet for something
recent (2015/2014), if there is somebody in the list using E17 on their
OpenBSD boxen. In particular I have these questions:

- does your mouse pointer move? after startx mine from trackpad does not,
neither with an external mouse, while either on CLI or with stock wm moves
perfectly; also added the ibus config lines to .xinitrc as prescripted by

- in the initial config menu are you offered with language options other
than "System Default"?

- why in the packages are there two versions of Enlightenment? One is E17,
and the other older and smaller one reports a 1.0.9p4 version, maybe it's a
relic of E16, what for?

- right now on Enlightenment page the currently reported version of the
whole DM is 0.19.2, is anybody taking care of it? Is E17 instead the last
thing one can run because the are no plans for 0.19.2?

- 0.19.2 brings in some interesting side-software like Terminology, Rage
etc. has anybody tried to port them?


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