On Thu, Nov 26, 2015, at 10:23 PM, Mohammad BadieZadegan wrote:
> Hi every OpenBSD user,
> I have OpenBSD on my Notebook since 2 years ago and I don't want to
> switch
> other OS for my business pentest project.
> I need some pentest tools for my project like metasploit, fuzzers, ..etc
> but I could not find them on OpenBSD package list
> <http://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/5.8/packages/i386/>!
> By default does OpenBSD support metasploit installing (or any attack
> tools)
> or defer them for security purpose?
> I want to have one OS on my note book for all purpose(business+home).
> Is that I must switch to other OS? (That I don't like at all!)
> Regards.
> -- 
> [image: ( openbsd.pro ---- 933k.ir )] <http://openbsd.pro>

To be honest, some security tools can be so poorly written, or perform
unusual or dangerous operations in their daily usages, that they present
a difficult challenge to properly secure and port to other OS's. You
don't really want them on your "main" system.

As a pentester myself, I usually end up with some very basic tools on my
host system (e.g. nmap, nc, hping etc...) and segregating all of the
other rubbish into a kali or debian virtual machine, which can then be
wiped or rolled back between jobs to ensure both system integrity, and
that jobs do not cross-pollinate data between them.

In my opinion, the best way to advance OpenBSD's use in this area is to
support, test and develop its virtualisation capabilities.

>  I want to have one OS on my note book for all purpose(business+home)

If you're doing this professionally, I really do not recommend this
without proper segregation. Especially if you're handling your customers
sensitive data or functionality (e.g. network connectivity).


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