I'm puzzled by the following. According to the documentation it should work?

The example at http://www.openbsd.org/faq/pf/anchors.html indeed works,
but that's an inline anchor.

Here's the problem: I would like to define a macro in an anchor, and use
that macro in other anchors below it -- like so:

[ /etc/pf/anchors/base ]



anchor ipsec
load anchor ipsec from "/etc/pf/anchors/ipsec"

[ /etc/pf/anchors/ipsec ]
pass out quick on $ext_if inet proto udp from ($ext_if:0) to <ipsec_peers>
port { isakmp, ipsec-nat-t } keep state


As far as I understand this should work.

Instead the result is:
# pfctl -nf /etc/pf.conf
/etc/pf/anchors/ipsec:6: macro 'ext_if' not defined
/etc/pf/anchors/ipsec:6: syntax error
pfctl: load anchors

The base anchor is loaded from /etc/pf.conf like so:
anchor "base/*"
load anchor base from "/etc/pf/anchors/base"

.. but I don't think it's relevant as I've tried to run the test between
pf.conf and the base anchor, and still macros defined in pf.conf are not
available from /etc/pf/anchors/base.

Is this intended behaviour?

Running on 5.8 release.

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