I have recently upgraded my OpenBSD server from 5.6 to 5.8 (following
the appropriate procedure and not skipping upgrades, of course).
Unfortunately, when I finished the 2 hops from 5.6 to 5.8, I realized
that claws-mail was no longer able to access the GPG key agent (I think
that's what it uses, my apologies if I'm using the wrong terminology)
and had switched to using some console based passphrase dialog.
  This wouldn't be a problem except my OBSD machine runs headless.  
Most of its duties require no interaction, but I also use it for my
secure communications box...  This includes claws-mail and sending
digitally clearsigned messages.  Everything was working fine @ 5.6, the
connections tunneled properly to ask for the key phrase before signing
the message...  Now, though, even if I don't background the process and
leave it in control of the shell, typing the pass phrase isn't
  Ideally I'd like to get things back to the point where I'm able to 
have that tunneled GPG key agent ask me for the phrase and like
actually work again...  I'd settle for having to run claws-mail in the
foreground and typing in the passphrase on console, too, if I
absolutely had to, but I don't know what's going on with the inability
to authenticate for the key there...
  Any helpful suggestions, pointers, intuition, anything, would be of
great assistance here.  Please let me know if you need any more
information or facts surrounding the matter that I can supply to make
this more useful.  Thank you for your time and consideration on this


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