
I have used pflow 5 successfully before but now on OpenBSD v. 5.8 it seems to refuse working. Config looks like this

# cat /etc/hostname.pflow0
flowsrc flowdst pflowproto 5 description "pflow"

and i start it with (also tried to start manually as man pflow says)

# sh /etc/netstart pflow0

As a result new pflow0 interface appears

# ifconfig pflow0
pflow0: flags=41<UP,RUNNING> mtu 1492
        description: pflow
        priority: 0
pflow: sender: receiver: version: 5
        groups: pflow

but there isnt seen any associated traffic with dst port 9784 and also, tcpdump says

# tcpdump -ni pflow0
tcpdump: Failed to open bpf device for pflow0: Device not configured

Maybe i miss here something obvious and i would be thankful for directions. This happens on a ordinary 64 bit PC with 'amd64'.

Best regards,


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