On Tue, Dec 22, 2015 at 09:57:46PM +0000, Tati Chevron wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 22, 2015 at 02:00:26PM -0700, Theo de Raadt wrote:
> >>But I still maintain that putting an option in the installer to create
> >>softraid crypto volumes automatically just dumbs down OpenBSD
> >>unnecessarily, and encourages people to be lazy instead of learning how
> >>to use the system to it's full potential.
> >
> >It's great that you have an opinion.
> >
> >Unfortunately it is the wrong opinion.
> That's just your opinion.
> The OpenBSD defaults are VERY wrong for my needs.  But I've fixed that for
> myself.  I don't come whining on -misc asking for my hand to be held every
> time something breaks.
> -- 
> Tati Chevron
> Perl and FORTRAN specialist.
> SWABSIT development and migration department.
> http://www.swabsit.com

And yet you whine when people offer suggestions to make improvements (eg,
the recent multitouch discussion).

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