On Wed, 30 Dec 2015 22:50:08 -0700 "Jack J. Woehr" <j...@well.com> wrote:
> Brian McCafferty wrote:
> > Are you referring to the file you need to create for dual booting with the 
> > windows ntldr? Check the FAQ: 
> > http://www.openbsd.org/faq/obsd-faq.txt 
> Just out of curiousity, I dd'ed that sector and it didn't end in AA55. Did I 
> get something wrong? I'm doing full-disk 
> encryption so I'm not sure how grabbing
> the "real" boot sector works in that circumstance.
> -- 
> Jack J. Woehr     # Science is more than a body of knowledge. It's a way of
> www.well.com/~jax # thinking, a way of skeptically interrogating the universe
> www.softwoehr.com # with a fine understanding of human fallibility. - Carl 
> Sagan

even with FDE, in order to boot at all it needs "plaintext" instructions.
the bios loads the boot sector to run. the boot sector on my disk (wd0) which
contains my softraid partition ends in the proper 0xaa55. as far as i am
aware the bios will not load a boot sector that doesn't end with 0xaa55.
did you dd the 'c' partition on the underlying disk (not the softraid disk)?

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